
A. Foundations and Basic Commitments

AC  Policy - Nondiscrimination

AC-R Policy -Discrimination /  Harassment Complaint Procedure

ACA Policy -Sexual Discrimination - Harassment

ACA-E 1 Policy - Sexual Harassment Complaint Form 8.18.20

ACA-E 2 Witness Disclosure Form

ACE Policy - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act

ACE-E Section 504-ADA Guidelines Forms

ACE-R Policy - Section 504 Due Procedures

B. School Board Governance and Operations

BB Policy -  Local School Board Legal Status

BBA Policy - Board Powers and Responsibilities

BBAA Policy - Board Member Authority and Responsibilities 

BBB Policy - School Board Elections and Membership

BBA Policy - Board Member Qualifications

BBBB Policy - Board Member Oath of Office

BBBC Policy - Board Member Resignation

BBE Policy - Board Vacancy

BCA Policy - School Board Member Code of Ethics

BCB Policy - Board Member Conflict of Interest

BDA Policy - Board Organization Meeting

BDB Policy - Board Officers

BDD Policy - Board-Superintendent Relationship

BDDG Policy - Formalized Hearing

BDE Policy - Board Committees

BE Policy - School Board Meetings

BEA Policy - Open Meetings

BEC Policy -Executive Sessions

BED Policy - Meeting Procedures

BEDB Policy - Agenda Format Preparation and Dissemination

BEDB-E Policy - Agenda Format

BEDC Policy - Quorum

BEDF Policy - Voting Method

BEDG Policy - Minutes

BEDH Policy - Participation at Board Meetings

BEE Policy - Board Hearing- Appeal Procedures

BEE-R Policy - Rules of Practice Governing Hearings

BG Policy - Staff Communications

BGA Policy - School Board Policy Development

BGB Policy - Policy Adoption

BGC Policy - Policy Revision/Review

BGD Policy - Board Review of Administrative Regulations

BGG Policy - Administration in the Absence of Policy

BH Policy - Board-Staff Communication

BHE Policy - School Board Communication by Electronic Mail

BIA Policy - Board Member Orientation and Development

BID Policy - Board Member Compensation, Expenses, and Insurance

C. General School Administration

CA  Policy - Administration Goals

CB Policy - School Superintendent

CBA Policy - Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent

CBB  Policy - Recruitment of Superintendent

CBD Policy - Superintendent's Contract

CBI Policy - Evaluations of the Superintendent

CBJ Policy - Superintendent's Termination of Employment

CCB Policy - Line and Staff Relations

CFB Policy - Evaluations of Administrators other than Superintendent

CH Policy - Implementation and Development of Administrative Rules

CHA Policy - Development of Regulations

CHCA Policy - Handbooks and Directives

CHD Policy - Administration in the Absence of Policy

CM Policy - School District Annual Report

D. Fiscal Management

DA Policy - Fiscal Management Goals

DB Policy - Annual Report

DBD Policy - Budget Planning and Preparation

DBF Policy - Budget Hearing and Reviews

DBG Policy - Budget Adoption Procedures

DBJ Policy - Budget Transfers

DCA Policy - Management of Fund Balances and Capital Reserves

DEC Policy - Utilization of Appropriate Grant Monies

DFAA Policy - Use of Surplus Funds

DFD-S Policy - Use of School District Owned Motor Vehicles

DFG Policy - Student Purchased Materials

DG Policy - Banking Services

DGA Policy - Authorized Signatures

DH Policy - Bonded Employees and Officers

DI Policy - Fiscal Accounting and Reporting

DID Policy - Inventories

DIE Policy - Audits

DJ-R Policy - Purchasing and Purchasing Authority

DJB Policy - Policy and Regulations

DJB-R Policy - Petty Cash Accounts

DKA Policy - Payroll Procedures

DKC - Travel Expense Reimbursements

DKC-C - Conference Leave Form

DKC-R - Travel Reimbursement Form

E. Support Services

EBAA Policy - Notification of Pesticide Application on or Within School Building

EBAB Policy - Hazardous Materials

EBAB-R Policy - Hazard communication Program General

EBBA Policy - Preventions of Disease/Infection Transmission

EBC Policy - Emergency Plans

EBCE Policy - School Closing and Cancellations

EBCE-R Policy - Emergency Closing of Schools

EC Buildings Policy - Grounds-Property Management

EEA Policy - Student Transportation

EEAC Policy - Bus Scheduling and Routing

EEAEA Policy - Bus Driver Requirements, Training, and Responsibilities

EEAEA-R Policy -Transportation Personnel Drug & Alcohol Testing_06.15.21

EEAEB - Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse_08.17.21

EF Policy - Food Service

EFA Policy - Health and Wellness Policy

EFAB Policy - Procurement Policy and Procedures

EFAB-E(1) Policy - Request for Quotation

EFAB-E (2) Policy - Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion

EFAB-E (3) Policy - Procurement Policy Self Certification

EFH Policy - Food Employee Health Policy

EFH-R Policy - Food Employee Health Agreement

EFS Policy - All Foods Sold In Schools

EG Policy - School Bus Routes

EGAB Policy - Public Records Requests Fees 

EGAD Policy - Copyright Policy and Regulations

EGAD-R Policy - Duplicating Copyrighted Materials

EHA Policy - Student Data Privacy and Security

EHAA Policy - Acceptable Use Policy_06.15.21

EHAA-E Policy - Employee Acceptable Use of Technology_06.15.21

G. Personnel

GA Policy - Personnel Policies and Goals

GBA Policy - Equal Opportunity Employment / TitleIX / Immigration Act & Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

GBB Policy - Staff Involvement in Decision-Making

GBC Policy - Staff Compensation

GBCE Policy - Communicable Diseases

GBD Policy - Board-Staff Communications

GBE - Staff Rights and Responsibilities

GBEA Policy - Staff Ethics-Conflict of Interest

GBEA-R Policy -Staff Ethics

GBEB Policy - Staff Conduct

GBEBC Policy - Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff

GBEC Policy - Drug-Free Work Place

GBEC-E - Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing Policy for Transportation Personnel

GBEC-E Policy - Notice to Employees of the Drug-Free Place

GBED Policy - Tobacco-Free Workplace

GBGA Policy - Staff Health

GBGB Policy - Pupil-Staff Personal Security and Safety

GBH Policy - Staff-Student Relations

GBI Policy - Staff Participation in Political Activities

GBIA Policy - Distribution of Non School Sponsored Materials

GBIB Policy - Political Campaigns Activities Students Employees

GBJ Policy - Personnel Records and Files

GBK Policy - Staff Complaints/Grievances

GBK-R Policy-Staff Complaints/Grievances

GCA Policy - Professional Staff Positions

GCB Policy - Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation

GCBC Policy - Professional Staff Fringe Benefits

GCC Policy - Professional Staff Leaves and Absences

GCCAB Policy - Family and Medical Leave

GCEC Policy -Posting and Advertising of Professional Staff Vacancies

GCF Policy - Professional Staff Hiring

GCF-R Policy - Professional Staff Hiring

GCG Policy - Part-Time Substitute Professional Staff Employment

GCI Policy - Professional Staff Development

GCJ Policy  - Professional Staff Probation and Tenure

GCK Policy - Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers

GCL Policy - Professional Staff Schedules and Calendars

GCLB Policy - Internships

GCOA Policy - Evaluation of Instructional Staff

GCPC Policy - Retirement of Professional Staff Members

GCQA Policy - Instructional Staff Reduction in Force

GCQF Policy - Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of Professional Staff

GCR Policy - Non-School Employment by Professional Staff

GD Policy - Support Staff

GDA Policy - Support Staff Positions

GDBC Policy - Classified/Support Staff Supplementary Pay-Overtime

GDBC Policy - Support Staff Fringe Benefits

GDBE Policy - Support Staff Vacations & Holidays

GDE Policy - Classified Staff Recruitment and Hiring

GDJ Policy - Support Staff Assignments and Transfers

GDK Policy - Classified Staff Time Schedule and/or Calendars

GDO Policy - Evaluation of Support Staff

GDPE Policy - Overtime

GDQB Policy - Resignation of Support Staff

GDQD Policy - Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of Support Staff

I. Instruction

IA Policy - Instructional Goals and Learning Objectives

IB Policy - Academic Freedom

IC Policy - School Year and School Calendar

ID Policy - School Day

IDA Policy - Temporary Virtual Education

IE Policy - Organization of Instruction

IF Policy - Curriculum

IFD Policy - Curriculum Adoption

IGCA Policy - Summer School

IGD Policy - Co-Curricular and Interscholastic Activities

IGDB Policy - Student Publications

IGDC Policy - Student Social Events

IGDC-R Policy - Student Social Events

IGDH Policy - Contests for Students

IGDJ Policy - Interscholastic Athletics

IGE Policy - Adult and Community Education Programs

IHAJ Policy - Network-Internet Usage 

IHBAC Policy - Programs for Students with Disabilities

IHBAE-R - Least Restrictive Environment

IHBF Policy - Homebound Instruction

IHBF-R Policy - Homebound Instruction

IHBG Policy - Home Schooling

IHCD Policy - Advanced College Placement

IIA Policy - Instructional Materials

IIAA Policy - Textbook Selection and Adoption

IICA Policy - Field Trips and Excursions

IICA-R Field Trips and Excursions

IICB Policy - Community Resource Persons

IJLA Policy - Complaint Procedure to Challenge Instructional and/or Library Materials

IJLA-E Policy - Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of a Book or Other Material

IJNDC Policy - Employee Use of Social Media Sites, Including Personal Sites

IKA Policy - Grading System

IKAB Policy - Student Progress Reports to Parents

IKD Policy - Honor Rolls

IKF Policy - Graduation Requirements

IKFA Policy - Early Graduation

IKFB Policy - Notification of Parents

IM Policy - Evaluation of Instructional Program

IMG Policy - Service Animals

INB Policy - Teaching About Controversial Issues

INI Policy - Exemptions from Required Instruction

IP Policy - Grade Level Placement of Transfer Pupils

J. Students

JB Policy - Equal Educational Opportunities

JBA Policy - Discrimination Student Compliant Procedure

JBA-E Policy - Equal Educational Opportunities Grievance Procedure Form

JC Policy - School Attendance Areas

JE Policy - Student Attendance

JEA Policy - Compulsory Attendance Age

JEA-E Policy - Consent to Withdrawal

JEB Policy - Entrance Age Requirements

JF Policy - Student Admissions

JFAB Policy - Admission of Non-Resident Students

JFAB-E  Application for Admission of Non-Resident Students 

JFCI Policy - Mandatory Drug Testing for Students involved in Extracurricular Activities 

JFE Policy - Married or Pregnant Students

JFG Policy - Interrogations an Searches

JG Policy - Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels

JGA Policy - Supervision of Student Behavior

JH Policy - Student Absences and Excuses

JHB Policy - Truancy

JHCA Policy - Physical Examinations of Students

JHCB Policy - Student Immunization

JHCC Policy - Communicable Diseases

JHCCA Policy - Communicable Diseases (Students)


JHE Policy - Student Dismissal Precautions

JHFA Policy - Supervision of Students

JHFD Policy - Use of Motor Vehicles Upon School Property

JHG Policy - Reporting Child Abuse

JHG-R Policy - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

JI Policy - Student Awards and Scholarships

JIA Policy - Scholarships and Awards

JIC Policy - Student Conduct

JICA Policy - Student Dress

JICB Policy - Care of School Property by Students

JICC Policy - Student Conduct on School Buses

JICC-R Policy - Student Conduct on School Buses - Regulations

JICFA Policy - Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

JICG/JICH Policy - Alcohol-Tobacco-Drug-Substance Abuse by Students

JICI Policy - Weapons in School

JICJ Policy - Student Use of Cell Phone and Other Electronic Equipment

JJB Policy - Student Social Events

JJIC Policy - Participation in High School Activities

JJIF Policy - Training, Information, and Restrictions on Participation of Student Athlete Concussions

JJIF-R Policy - Training, Information, and Restrictions on Participation of Student Athlete Concussions

JJJ Policy - Home School Student Participation in Extra- Curricular Activities

JK Policy - Student Discipline

JKD/JKE Policy - Student Suspension or Expulsion

JL Policy - Student Solicitations

JLC Policy - Student Health Service and Requirements

JLCB Policy - Immunization of Students

JLCC Policy - Communicable-Infectious Diseases

JLCD Policy -  Administering Medicine to Students

JLCDA Policy - Administration of Stock Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

JLCE Policy - First Aid and Emergency Medical Care

JLCF-E Policy - Standing Orders Stock Opiate Antagonist

JLCF-R Policy - Emergency Administration of Stock Opiate Antagonist

JLCF Policy - Administration of Stock Opiate Antagonist

JLG-E 1 Policy - Child or youth in Transition Referral

JLG-E 2 Policy - Evaluation Eligibility Determination Form

JLG-E 3 Policy - Referral to District Liaison

JLG -E 4 Policy - Written Notification of Eligibility School Placement

JLG Policy - Children or Youth in Transition

JLIE Policy - Student Automobile Use

JLJ Policy - Seclusion and Restraint in Schools

JLJ-R Policy  - Seclusion and Restraint in Schools - Regulations

JN Policy - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges

JO Policy - Employment of Students

JP Policy - Free and Reduce Price Meals

JRA Policy - Student Records

JRA- E (1) Policy - Student Records 

JRA- E (2) Policy - Student Records 

JRA- E (3) Policy - Student Records 

JRA-R Policy - Procedures and Practices Governing Student Educational Records

JRAB Policy - Student Records and Non-Custodial Parents

JRAC Policy - Student Privacy Privacy Protection and Parental Right ofInspection to CertainMaterial

JS Policy - Student Isolation Payments

JT Policy - Programs for At-Risk-Disadvantaged Students

At-Risk Referral District Procedure

K. Community

KA Policy -School-Parent-Community Relations and Goals

KCB Policy - Community Involvement in Decision Making

KD - Public Communications/Public's Right to Know

KDDA Policy - News Releases

KDF Policy -Community Participation at Board Meetings

KE Policy - Public Concerns and Complaints

KF Policy - Community Use of School Facilities

KF-E Policy - Community Use of School Facilities Rental Agreement

KF-R Policy -Community Use of Facilities

KH Policy - Solicitations in the Schools

KI Policy - Visitors to Schools

KIB Policy - Sex Offenders on School Property

KIB-E Policy - Access to School Property by Sex Offenders

KM E-1 E-2 Policy - Witness Disclosure Form

KM Policy- Sexual Harassment

KN Policy - School District Volunteer Program

KO Policy - Leasing Or Rental Of School District Instructional Facilities

L. Education Agency Relations

LDA Policy - Student Teaching and Internships