KE - Public Concerns and Complaints

Code: KE


The Board of Trustees, as the elected representatives of the patrons of this district, is always willing to listen to and consider public concerns about the educational program within the district as well as complaints regarding the educational program and its components, including personnel.  Constructive criticism of the schools is welcome when it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the educational program and to equip the schools of the districts to do their tasks more effectively.  While individual Board members may listen to and consider concerns addressed to them by members of the public, no Board member in his individual capacity has authority to act except in a lawfully called Board meeting at which a quorum is present. 

Normally complaints involving the educational program of a particular school should be addressed first to the building administrator and then, if not satisfied, to the superinten­dent and ultimately to the Board as a whole.  Concerns or complaints involving the educational program of the district as a whole or any other area involving the district as a whole should initially be addressed to the superintendent, and then if a satisfactory result is not obtained, to the Board of Trustees.  Any person who has a particular area of concern or problem may request to be put on the agenda for purposes of addressing such issue.  Any person who has a concern or complaint about a confidential matter or a matter involving personnel may be directed to present his concern or complaint in an executive session of the Board and the Board may elect to deliberate on such concern in executive session. 

Complaints to any Board member involving personnel will in most instances be referred back through proper administrative channels for solution and/or investigation prior to action by the Board. 

The proper channeling of complaints involving instruction, discipline, learning materials and/or participation in extra-curricular activities should generally be as follows: 

1)    teacher (coach);

2)    principal;

3)    superintendent;

4)    board. 

The board reserves the right to take the complaint under advisement so that it may be investigated before a decision is made. 


Adoption Date: 11/19/80

Amended Date: 10/23/14