JHG Policy - Reporting Child Abuse
The Board recognizes that because of their sustained contact with school age children, school employees are in an excellent position to identify abused or neglected children and refer them for treatment and protection.
Therefore, in accordance with reporting requirements of the Child Protection Act, any school employee who suspects, that a child's physical or mental health or welfare may be adversely affected by abuse or neglect shall report this to the Principal who shall report the case to the Department of Social Services.
School employees and officials shall not contact the child's family or any other persons to determine the cause of the suspected abuse or neglect.
It is not the responsibility of the school official or employee to prove that the child has been abused or neglected.
Employees who make a report of suspected child abuse in good faith or while performing their official duties in response to such a report, or participating in a judicial proceeding resulting therefrom, shall be immune from liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed.
The Superintendent shall submit procedures necessary to accomplish the intent of this policy to the Board for approval.
(Adoption date 11/19/80)