IIAA Policy - Textbook Selection and Adoption

The Board will officially adopt textbooks and textbook programs for use in the schools upon recommendation of the Superintendent after consultation with the district's curriculum committee. 

Responsibility for the review and selection of textbooks to be recommended will rest with textbooks or curriculum committees as appointed by the Superintendent or his designee. Membership on the committees will include representation for teachers who will use the texts, administrators, and other staff members as found desirable. Students and parents may be asked to serve on textbook selection committees.

Principles that apply generally to the selection of instructional materials and library materials will apply to textbooks.

Additionally, basic textbooks and textbook programs shall be chosen:

1. To advance the educational objectives of the school district and particular objectives of the course or program;

2. To contribute to continuity, integration, and articulation of the curriculum;

3. To establish a general framework for the particular course or program.

Because the instructional purposes of textbooks are of such importance, particular care should be taken in their selection as to content.

Textbooks are selected for several years use. Special attention should be given to their physical characteristics, durability, format, and price.

(Adoption date 11/19/80)