GCI Policy - Professional Staff Development

Code: GCI


The Board recognizes the importance of developing, improving, and extending staff skills.  Certification for a position does not necessarily mean that the individual possesses and will automatically develop optimal levels of job competency.  Opportunities must be provided by systematically ensuring that staff personnel will remain abreast of emerging information and educational practices. 

The Board will provide for professional growth and updating of professional skills through: 

1.     Planned in-service programs and workshops offered in the school system from time to time; 

2.     Released time for visits to other classrooms and schools and for attendance at conferences, workshops, and other professional meetings; 

3.     Teacher access to a wide variety of educational publications, reports, and materials that will contribute to professional growth; 

4.     Salary credit for additional educational training in accordance with the salary schedule. 

The principals will have the authority to approve released time for conferences and visitations, and reimbursement for expenses, if the activities are within the provisions of leave policy and budget allocations for that purpose.

Adoption Date:  11/19/80

Amended:  2/21/17