KCB - Community Involvement in Decision Making
Code: KCB
The Board endorses the concept that community participation in the affairs of the schools is essential if the school system and the community are to maintain mutual confidence and respect and work together to improve the quality of education for students. It therefore intends to exert every effort to identify the desires of the community and to be responsive, through its actions, to those desires.
All citizens will be encouraged to express ideas, concerns and judgments about the schools to the staff, the school administration, any appointed advisory body, and to the Board.
Residents who are specially qualified because of interest, training, experience, or personal characteristics, may be encouraged to assume an active role in school affairs either through an advisory capacity or by serving on citizens advisory committees.
The Board may, if it deems it appropriate, appoint a citizens advisory committee for purpose of studying matters and making reports and/or recommendations to the Board.
The advice of the public will be given careful consideration. In the evaluation of community advice, the Board's first concern will be for the educational program of the entire district. The Board's final decision may depart from the advice received when in the judgment of the staff and the Board the advice is not consistent with goals adopted by the Board, good educational practice, or not within reach of the financial resources available.
Adoption Date: 11/19/1980
Amended Date: 10/23/2014