GCLB Policy - Internships

Certified employees who have acquired continuing contract status may apply to serve an internship in the District as required by certain graduate programs including, but not limited to, school administrator and counselor. The application process includes completing form GCLB-E and submitting it to the Superintendent of Schools the year preceding the planned internship. Approval/denial will be based on the following:

1. Evidence of application to an accredited university education program requiring an internship.

2. A documented history of the employee taking, and successfully performing in, leadership roles within the operation of the school/district, including, but not limited to, membership on school and district committees, presentations of seminars to other staff/schools, assuming responsibility for school district improvement processes.

3. A recommendation from the immediate supervisor.

4. A completed plan for the internship which includes the written approval of the administrator(s) who will serve as a mentor.

5. A documented history of excellent teaching/job performance, as exhibited in all professional evaluations.

6. A documented history of positive relations with students and parents, including letters of support from two parents not employed by the School District.

7. Approval by the Superintendent of time commitments and schedules.

The School Board recognizes the benefits to the School District by allowing qualified employees the opportunity to participate in an internship program.

Employees serving in an internship during their contracted work time will be paid their salaries and will receive the District provided benefits, less the daily salary rate of the substitute for the school time spent in their internship. The intern will be responsible for the supervision of the long-term substitute ensuring appropriate and viable instruction continues for students. The use of a long-term substitute will only be allowed for eight weeks. If an internship requires more than eight weeks, this time will need to accumulate in activities which do not take the teacher out of the classroom. The use of a student teacher enrolled in an accredited university program can be allowed when approved by the building administrator and supervised by the intern. The Superintendent and/or Board can limit the number of internships during a school year and the application will be acted on by the Board of Trustees.

Adopted: January 25, 2012