GBEA Staff Ethics-Conflict of Interest

Code: GBEA


The board expects members of its staff to be familiar with the Code of Ethics that applies to their profession and to adhere to it in their relationships with students, parents, co-workers and officials.

Employees of the District will not engage in or have a financial interest in any activity that raises a reasonable question of conflict of interest with their duties and responsibilities in the school district. 

School staff who might profit directly from any transaction that the school district may have with a business, service, contractor or realtor will disclose that information to the district and will remove themselves from any discussion or voting that takes place concerning the transaction. 

Employees will not engage in any type of work where the source of information concerning customer, client, or employer originates from information available to them through school sources. 

Employees shall not sell books, instructional supplies, musical instruments, equipment, or other school supplies for personal gain when their position on the staff is used to influence the sale of goods or services to students or parents. 

No staff member shall engage in any type of private business during school time or on school property. 

There should be no conflict of interest in the supervision or evaluation of employees. At no time may any administrator be responsible for the supervision or evaluation of an employee directly related to him (parent, spouse, child, brother or sister of employee), with the exception of temporary employment, for example, substitute teachers. 

Adoption Date: 11/19/80 (GBC & GBCA)

Revised: 3/16/16 GBEA