GBK Policy - Staff Complaints/Grievances

Code: GBK


Grievance:  A grievance is a written allegation by an employee that there has been a violation, a misinterpretation, or inequitable application of any provision of board policy, rule, regulation or procedure.  The term "grievance" shall not apply to matters of employment, continued employment (termination, dismissal or suspension), content of evaluations, or any matter defined as a contested case under the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act.  Channels will be established for personnel to present grievances which shall permit their resolution at the lowest possible level.  Any employee who desires to present a claim of discrimination in the form of a grievance may utilize this policy rather than alternative policies if so desired.  For Grievance Procedure, see (GBK-R). 

Adoption Date:  11/17/09

Amended:  02/21/17