JLIE_Student Automobile Use

Code: JLIE



Parking on school property is a courtesy extended to students and others by the Board.  Students driving cars or motorcycles to school must park them in areas designated by the school administration.  Vehicles are to be driven in a safe and prudent manner while on or immediately adjacent to the school grounds.  Students who fail to operate their vehicle on or adjacent to school grounds in a safe and prudent manner are in violation of and in open defiance of school authority, rules and regulations.  Violations which result in personal injury or property damage may result in an immediate suspension or expulsion from school.  Other violations may be handled in the following manner: 

a)     First Offense.  Student will be warned by the principal.  His/her parents will be notified. 

b)     Second Offense.  A conference will be held with the student, parents and/or guardians, the principal.  The student will be notified at this time that the violation warrants a two (2) day in-school suspension.  Besides the normal school assignments, the student will be required to complete a driver safety program. 

c)     Future violations will be grounds for out-of-school suspension and possible expulsion as well as revocation of any privileges to operate or park a vehicle on school premises. 

Adoption Date:  3/21/2017