At-Risk Referral District Procedure

At-Risk students are students who are likely to fail academically, socially and/or economically. Students may be At-Risk as a result of economic, academic, physical, emotional, or behavioral problems that may be interfering with the student's education.

The term 'At-Risk Behavior' may include, but not be limited to, the following:

Substance Abuse, Dropping Out, Teen Pregnancy, Legal Problems, Suicide, Depression, Academic Failure, Health Concerns, Violence and Behavior Change


Prevention activities are directed towards those individuals who may not already have problems. These prevention activities currently include, but are not limited to the following:

Counseling, DARE, Health Programs, Tutoring, Community Resources, Assemblies, Activities, P.R.I.D.E. Rustler Club, Athletics, DC Trip, Ropes Course, CHOICES, Drug/Alcohol Free Dances, Tobacco Awareness Program (TAP), Future Teachers Association, FCA, Quarter Club, Honor Choir/Band, Enrichment Weeks Teton Science School Trip

Youth Diversion Council

Activities that are designed to help people maintain healthy lifestyles

Establishment of standards for safe, appropriate, and healthy behavior within families, social institutions, and the community


Suspected 'At-Risk~ students shall be referred to the building principal, who will make a preliminary determination of the best course of action depending on the nature of the referral. Students may be referred to the principal by staff, parents/guardians, another student, an outside agency, and themselves. In most cases the principal will arrange for a Building Intervention Team (BIT) meeting to review the referral and develop an appropriate plan of action. However, if the principal believes that a student is in imminent danger/crisis they may act as they see fit. Please note that individuals are still encouraged to discuss any/all concerns with school counselors. This may be done prior to contacting the principal and or to seek direction/information.

Building Intervention Team (BIT)

Building Intervention Teams will be established in each school building with the purpose of incorporating the following functions:

Management and completion of the' At-Risk' Referral form, including a review of the student's cumulative education file.

Receive, direct and develop intervention strategies for 'At-Risk' students.

Document and evaluate intervention strategies.

Ensure that hearing and vision screenings have been conducted prior to their meeting. Hearing screening must include, at least, tests for acuity and otologic problems. Vision Screening must include, at least, tests for acuity and color blindness.

Refer students to appropriate intervention programs.

Tracking the progress of' At-Risk' students referred to the BIT while maintaining the confidentiality of all information that is gathered.

The BIT shall consist of at least two certified general education staff teachers assigned to the school and the principal (who usually serves as the chairperson). Other members may be appointed to the BIT based on the needs of the child. It is usually appropriate to include the referring teacher as a member of the BIT and/or any staff members who may be familiar with the child or the issues.

BIT meetings are held on a regularly scheduled basis but may also be convened when deemed necessary by the chairperson.


1. The person making the referral submits an "At-Risk Behavior Referral Form" to the building principal and also contacts the student's parent/guardian. Note that parents should be involved in the process as soon as possible. as long as that involvement does not endanger the child. The parent may be invited to attend the BIT meeting and/or provide information needed by BIT if they are unable to attend.

2. Building principal designates any additional BIT members, ensures that vision and hearing screenings are done, schedules BIT meeting (if other than regularly scheduled meetings), ensures that all needed records are available and determines if student is in 'crisis' requiring immediate action prior to ability to convene BIT.

3. BIT meeting is held and areas of concern are reviewed. Interventions will be generated by the team based on all available information. These interventions will be specific to assisting staff in providing on-going support for the student. The BIT can also choose to refer a student for counseling, development of a 504 plan, to Title I, tutoring, or any additional services which are available. The BIT can refer a child immediately for a multidisciplinary evaluation (with a suspected disability) if:

At least three appropriate interventions have already been attempted, and documented, by the student's teacher and these interventions have shown limited results; or

The student's problems are so severe that the intervention in a regular environment would be inappropriate; or

The student's presenting problem is an articulation problem; or

The referral is made by a parent and the pre-referral information indicates a severe problem and evaluation would be appropriate.

4. The BIT chairperson will record/document the specifics of the meeting and provide a copy to staff involved, parent/guardian, and Director of Special Education (when student is referred for an evaluation using BIT Referral Form)

5. A second BIT meeting is scheduled after interventions are implemented and data is collected to review the effectiveness of the interventions.

6. The process may:

Stop here if interventions have resulted in a positive change or resolution of the problems

Generate further interventions resulting in additional BIT meetings

Refer to 504

Refer to Title I

Refer to Special Education

Other: ___________________________________________________________ __

7. The BIT Chairperson will record/document the specifics of the meeting by keeping minutes of meetings and completing the Written notice of Determination Form.


The BIT in each school shall receive an in-service at the beginning of each school year designed to increase their understanding of their role and to enhance their ability to effectively meet the needs of At-Risk students. At-Risk staff development is incorporated into the district's staff development program. Staff will be given the opportunity to receive training opportunities which will be designed to increase their skill in the identification, prevention, and intervention. Staff will also receive training at the beginning of each school year regarding bow to refer students they suspect are At-Risk.