JJJ Policy- Home School Student Participation in Extra-curricular Activites

Extra-curricular activities are considered a part of the education program of Sublette County School District No. 9. They are generally available only for students regularly enrolled within the district. The district, however, will consider any request by a student of school age, who is home schooled, to participate in extra-curricular activities. Such participation may be granted subject to compliance with the condition, rules, regulations and requirements generally applied to all other students within the school district. Such requests will be considered on a case by case basis.

No participation fee will be required of home school students for participation in activities in the normal setting to the school. Any fees above and beyond the normal costs to

Big Piney students will be assessed to the home school participants, i.e., per participant costs for music festivals. Fees will also be charged to off-set additional function of an activity, i.e., select individual travel, select group travel, athletic awards, field trips.

All meals, motel accommodations and travel costs consistent with normal team/group travel will be paid for by Sublette County School District No. 9. All other costs will be the

responsibility of the individual participant. Costs are to be paid for prior to participation in the specific activity.

Adoption date August 18, 1994)

(Amended April 15, 1997)