JLCE_First Aid and Emergency Medical Care

Code: JLCE


No treatment of injuries, except emergency first aid, is permitted in the schools.  For purposes of this policy, first aid is the immediate help given by the best qualified person at hand or on call in case of accident or sudden illness. 

The school's obligation continues after the emergency until the injured person has been placed in the care of the family or of a physician with notification to the family. 

Dressings put on by a physician should not be disturbed or second dressing applied at school.  However, observation of discoloration or excessive swelling of the injury should be reported to the family or the family physician at once. 

The school district will provide and maintain first aid kits in all schools. 

The school district will provide or make available periodic first aid training to staff members.  The district may require some or all staff to acquire first aid training. 

Adoption Date: 3/21/17