GDA Policy - Support Staff Positions
Code: GDA
The classified/support staff positions shall be those established by the Board of Trustees. Such positions shall be maintained as determined necessary by the Board of Trustees and as permitted within the limits of the local budget.
Job descriptions will be developed for each position established by the Board. Job descriptions will be maintained in a job description manual.
In each case, the Board will approve the broad purpose and function of the position and a statement of job requirements as recommended by the Superintendent. The Board shall delegate to the Superintendent and/or his designee the task of writing or causing to be written a job description for the position.
All support staff are employed as employees "at will" and the employment of such employees shall be terminable "at will" of either the employer or the employee at any time, and no hearing shall be required nor shall either be required to give to the other reasons for termination. Any oral statement or promise to the contrary is not binding upon the school district or the Trustees. Should a statement be made to any employee indicating that his/her term of employment is other than "at will", such statement must be confirmed in writing by the Board of Trustees. The school district Board of Trustees shall not be responsible for the statements that are not confirmed in writing.
Adoption Date: 11/19/80
Amended: 3/19/97
Amended: 2/21/17