EFA Health and Wellness Policy
Code: EFA
Health and Wellness Policy
Sublette County School District Number 9 shall promote student well-being and academic achievement by supporting quality nutrition and physical activity as part of the learning environment. The District will collaborate with parents, students, school personnel, health professionals, school administration, and community members to help students develop positive attitudes, behaviors, and skills associated with lifelong healthful eating patterns as well as learn the short and long-term benefits of a physically active and healthful lifestyle.
The District recognizes that healthy eating patterns, respect for body-size differences, and physical activity are essential for students to reach their academic potential, full physical and mental growth, and lifelong health and well-being. Because students are in school for a substantial portion of the day, school districts have a responsibility to help students establish and maintain lifelong healthy eating and physical activity patterns.
Wellness Committee
The District will convene a representative district wellness committee (hereto referred to as the DWC) that meets at least once per year to establish goals for and oversee school health and safety policies and programs, including development, implementation, and periodic review and update of this wellness policy to meet compliance with best practices, state and federal guidelines. The Food Service Director shall lead the DWC. In addition, the DWC shall consist of the following representatives: additional food service personnel, the school nurse, physical education and health teachers, parents, students, school administrators, board members, and the general public. To the extent possible, the DWC will include representatives from each school building.
The DWC will assign a school wellness policy coordinator for each school building, who will ensure compliance with this policy at their respective building. School wellness policy coordinators shall attend all DWC meetings and report on compliance at each building.
The DWC will report policy updates and goals annually for school board approval. These reports shall also be available on the district’s website and communicated to parents through newsletters and social media if feasible.
In addition to the annual review and goal setting, the DWC will review wellness policy compliance and adherence to best practices, state, and federal guidelines every three years. This triennial assessment of the wellness policy shall be reported to the school board, school administration and personnel, parents and general public. This report will be available on the district’s website and communicated to parents through newsletters and social media if feasible.
The Food Service Director shall maintain the following documentation:
• A copy of the wellness policy
• DWC meeting minutes and attendance records
• Annual policy progress reports
• Triennial assessment results
• Documentation of publication including the methods attempted
Nutrition Education
The District will set at least one goal annually pertaining to Nutrition Education using evidence based strategies. The District will comply with the following nutrition education practices.
1. State and District health education curriculum standards and guidelines shall be met or exceeded and be aligned with the USDA wellness policy requirements.
2. Students in grades K-12 will receive nutrition education that teaches the knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviors they need to adopt healthy eating habits that last a lifetime.
3. Nutrition education will be offered in a variety of subjects as determined to be appropriate using the CLI curriculum committee process.
4. The staff teaching nutrition will be encouraged to pursue professional development annually in the area of nutrition education.
5. The District will help to ensure that students receive consistent nutrition messages throughout the school, classroom, and cafeteria.
6. The District will help build awareness among school staff about the importance of healthy eating habits and physical activity.
7. The District will encourage parents, teachers, school personnel, and students to serve as role models in practicing healthy lifestyles.
USDA’s Team Nutrition (https://www.fns.usda.gov/tn) provides free nutrition education and promotion materials, including standards-based nutrition education curricula and lesson plans, posters, interactive games, menu graphics, and more.
Nutrition Promotion
The District will set at least one goal annually pertaining to Nutrition Promotion using evidence based strategies. The DWC will evaluate how best to market and promote our school meal programs on an annual basis.
All schools within the District are committed to offering school meals through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) that:
• Are accessible to all students;
• Are appealing and attractive to children;
• Are served in clean and pleasant settings;
• Promote healthy food and beverage choices using the following Smarter
Lunchroom techniques:
- Whole fruit options are displayed in attractive bowls or baskets (instead of chaffing dishes or hotel pans)
- Sliced or cut fruit is available daily
- Daily fruit options are displayed in a location in the line of sight and reach of students.
- Daily vegetable options are easily accessible for all students.
- All staff members, especially those serving, have been trained to politely prompt students to select and consume the daily vegetable options with their meal.
- White milk is placed in front of other beverages in all cooler.
- Daily announcements are used to promote and market menu options
- Menus will be posted on the District website or individual school websites to promote school meals.
- The District child nutrition program will accommodate students with special dietary needs.
- Students will be allowed at least 10 minutes to eat breakfast and at least 20 minutes to eat lunch, counting from the time they have received their meal and are seated.
- Students are served lunch at a reasonable and appropriate time of day.
- Lunch will follow the recess period when possible to better support learning and healthy eating, and will be as near to the middle of the day as possible.
- Students have access to hand washing and/or sanitizing stations prior to meals.
- Students may be asked to participate in taste tests or menu planning activities.
- Student feedback is encouraged and requested regularly.
- Participation in Federal child nutrition programs will be promoted among students and families to help ensure that families know what programs are available in their children’s school.
- School meal nutrition information (e.g. calorie, fat, & sodium content) will be provided to parents/students as requested.
The District is committed to ensuring that all foods and beverages available to students on the school campuses during the school day support healthy eating. The foods and beverages sold and served outside of the school meal programs (i.e., “competitive” foods and beverages) will meet the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, at a minimum. Smart Snacks aim to improve student health and well-being, increase consumption of healthful foods during the school day, and create an environment that reinforces the development of healthy eating habits. A summary of the standards and information are available at: http://www.fns.usda.gov/healthierschoolday/tools-schools-smart-snacks.
To promote healthy choices, teachers will be encouraged to use non-food rewards in the classroom and prohibited from using food and beverages as a reward. The District will not sell less healthy food or beverages that do not meet the Smart Snack requirements. In addition, the district will provide training to staff on the importance of modeling healthy eating behaviors.
Nutrition Guidelines
All schools within the District participate in USDA child nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP). The District operates additional nutrition-related programs and activities including Grab and Go Breakfast and Second Chance Breakfast. The District will follow federal USDA nutrition regulations for all food and drink available during the school day, including school meal guidelines, and only offering Smart Snack compliant options in vending machines and a la carte items.
The District is committed to serving healthy meals to children, with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat milk; moderate in sodium, low in saturated fat, and zero grams of trans-fat per serving (nutrition label or manufacturer’s specification); and to meet the nutrition needs of school children within their calorie requirements. The District offers reimbursable school meals that meet or exceed USDA nutrition standards. (https://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/nutrition-standards-school-meals)
To support healthy food choices and improve student health and well-being, all foods and beverages outside the reimbursable school meal programs that are sold to students on the school campus during the school day will meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks nutrition standards. These standards will apply in all locations and through all services where foods and beverages are sold, which may include, but are not limited to, a la carte options in cafeterias, vending machines, school stores, fundraisers, and snack or food carts. Nutritious food and beverages will be priced lower than less nutritious food and beverages.
To promote hydration, free, safe, unflavored drinking water will be available to all students throughout the school day and throughout every school campus. The District will make drinking water available where school meals are served during mealtimes. In addition, students will be allowed to bring and carry approved water bottles filled with only water with them throughout the day. Students will be allowed to use the restroom as necessary, without negative consequences.
Staff Qualifications and Professional Development
All school nutrition program directors, managers, and staff will meet or exceed hiring and annual continuing education/training requirements in the USDA professional standards for child nutrition professionals. These school nutrition personnel will refer to USDA’s Professional Standards for School Nutrition Standards website to search for training that meets their learning needs. The Food Service Director will ensure that all staff meet the minimum training each year, documenting all training for all school nutrition staff.
The sale of food items for fundraisers that meet school nutrition requirements shall not be limited in any way. Food items sold outside of school hours and off campus shall not be held to these standards. Each school may have up to five (5) fundraisers that include the sale of food and/or beverages that do not meet the school nutrition requirements providing:
1 – The exempt fundraisers last no more than two (2) weeks.
2 – The WDE Fundraiser Documentation Form is used to document all
exempt fundraisers.
The number and duration of fundraisers during school hours will be documented on a WDE form and filed for NSLP Administrative Reviews. If a school must conduct a fundraising project after using the allotted five exemptions, the school may request an Additional Exemption Request by:
Submitting the WDE Additional Exemption Request form and
Submitting a copy of the school’s Fundraiser Documentation Form.
Approval of the additional fundraiser will be at the discretion of the WDE.
Physical Activity
The District will set at least one goal annually pertaining to Physical Activity using evidence based strategies. The District will provide students with physical education, using an age-appropriate, sequential physical education curriculum consistent with national and state standards for physical education. The physical education curriculum will promote the benefits of a physically active lifestyle and will help students develop skills to engage in lifelong healthy habits. All students will be provided equal opportunity to participate in physical education classes. The District will make appropriate accommodations to allow for equitable participation for all students and will adapt physical education classes and equipment as necessary.
All elementary students in each grade will receive physical education for at least 80 minutes per week throughout the school year. All elementary students will be provided recess on a daily basis, for a minimum of 25 minutes.
All middle school students are required to take physical education each year during 6th – 8th grade. All middle school students will be provided recess on a daily basis, for a minim of 20 minutes.
Outdoor recess will be offered when weather is feasible for outdoor play. The school principal will decide when weather is not feasible for outdoor recess.
Lunch will follow the recess period when possible to better support learning and healthy eating.
All high school students are required to take the equivalent of one and one half (1 ½) credits of physical education sometime between 9th and 12th grades.
The District encourages teachers to provide opportunities for physical activity throughout the day, in addition to recess. (e.g. brain breaks, classroom energizers, etc.) Teachers are also encouraged to provide physical activities as rewards for good student behavior. Physical activity during the school day (including but not limited to recess, physical activity breaks, or physical education) will not be withheld as punishment for any reason. This does not include participation on sports or extra-curricular teams that have specific academic requirements.
Other School Based Activities Designed to Promote Student Wellness
The District will set goals pertaining to other school-based wellness activities as deemed necessary by the DWC. The District will coordinate and integrate other initiatives related to physical activity, physical education, nutrition, and other wellness components so all efforts are complementary, not duplicative, and work towards the same set of goals and objectives promoting student well-being, optimal development, and strong educational outcomes.
The District will provide a staff wellness program focusing on total wellness (physical, mental, emotional, and social) that will be developed and communicated by the school nurse.
School staff will be appropriately certified in CPR annually.
The District will continue relationships with community partners (i.e. Big Piney Recreation Center, Big Piney / Marbleton Clinic, local businesses, etc.) in support of this wellness policy’s implementation. Existing and new community partnerships and sponsorships will be evaluated to ensure that they are consistent with the wellness policy and its goals.
The District will provide case management services for students with chronic health conditions.
Staff is encouraged to recognize and/or reward students for exhibiting healthy behaviors.
Cafeteria supervisory staff shall maintain a safe, clean, and pleasant eating environment.
When feasible, the District will offer annual professional learning opportunities and resources for staff to increase knowledge and skills about promoting healthy behaviors in the classroom and school (e.g., increasing the use of kinesthetic teaching approaches or incorporating nutrition lessons into math class). Professional learning will help District staff understand the connections between academics and health and the ways in which health and wellness are integrated into ongoing district reform or academic improvement plans/efforts.
Adopted: 3/22/12
Amended: 4/17/14
Revised: 8/18/20