IKAB Policy - Student Progress Reports to Parents
The Board believes that it is essential for parents to be kept fully informed of their children's progress in school.
A progress report shall be provided to parents four times a year, with supplementary reports sent as needed. Supplementary reports, down slips, will be required for students in danger of failure. Notes of praise or letters noting outstanding achievement will be sent whenever a teacher feels a student deserves recognition.
Conferences will also be used as an integral part of the reporting system. The district will attempt to hold an all-school parent-teacher conference once each semester. They are to be scheduled as nearly following the first and third nine-week period as is practicable.
The Principal will be responsible for scheduling these conferences and all other necessary arrangements.
The Board and administration encourages the use of telephone calls to keep parents informed relative to the student's progress (or lack of same) when it is deemed appropriate.
Refer to High School and Middle School Handbooks for Regulations
(Adoption date 11/19/80)