JHFD_Use of Motor Vehicles Upon School Property

All drivers of motor vehicles entering school district property or parking on school district property shall be expected to be properly licensed and properly insured. The school district shall accept no responsibility for the motor vehicle or its contents while upon school district property.

No motor vehicle shall be operated at a speed greater than ten miles per hour while on school district property and no motor vehicle shall be operated in a reckless manner or in a manner to cause threat of well-being to a pedestrian upon school district property.

Motor vehicles perked or being driven on school di strict property may be subject to search or seizure in accordance with statutes of the State of Wyoming.

Students may operate motor vehicles only before school, during the noon break, and after school. To operate a motor vehicle at any other time during the school day shall require permission of the high school principal prior to operation of the motor vehicle.

Sublette No. 9 school district is not and shall accept no responsibility whatsoever for accidents that may occur during the school day resulting from operation of motor vehicles upon school district property.

 (Adoption date 11 I 19/80)

(Amended date 5/ 17 / 90)

(Amended date  7/17/18)