JLCB Immunization of Students
Every student attending, full or part-time, any class, shall within thirty (30) days after the date of school entry, provide to the appropriate school official written documentary proof of immunization. For purposes of this section, documentary proof of immunization is written certification by a private licensed physician or his representative or by any public health authority, that the student is fully immunized. Documentation shall include month, day and year of each required immunization received against vaccine-preventable disease as designated by the state health authority. No administrator shall permit a student to attend school for more than thirty (30) calendar days without documentary proof of immunization. If the immunization requires a series of immunizations over a period of more than thirty (30) calendar days, the child shall be permitted to attend school while receiving continued immunization pursuant to a written schedule specified by the student's physician or a public health official. Waivers of this requirement shall be authorized by the state or county health officer upon submission of written evidence of religious objection or medical contraindication to the administration of any vaccine.
The written documented proof of immunization on a form provided by the state health officer shall be an integral part of the child's school records.
Adoption Date: 03/21/17