JHG-R Policy - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

1. Any school employee who has reasonable cause to suspect that any child is subjected to abuse or to conditions that might result in abuse (for example, malnutrition, dangerous conditions, neglect) should immediately report the situation to the Principal and to the Superintendent. This oral report should be followed at once by a written report sent by the employee through the Principal and to the Superintendent. 

2. The written report should include:

a. Name, age and address of the child;

b. Name and address of the child's parents, guardians, and/or person with whom he is living;

c. The nature of the child's injury or condition; information on conditions leading to abuse—all with dates as appropriate;

d. Any other information that might be helpful in establishing the cause of the injuries or the conditions observed.

3. The Principal or his designee shall contact the Department of Social Services, using such procedures and forms as may be required by that department

4. After the report is made to the Department of Social Services, district end school staff members will make themselves available for meetings with the department's representative to facilitate communication. The school will report any further incidents of abuse to the agency's representative.

5. Once a report of child abuse is given to the Department of Social Services, the responsibility for investigation and follow-up lies with that department. It is not the responsibility of the school staff to investigate the case. Therefore, the school staff will not:

a. Make home visits for investigative purposes;

b. Take the child for medical treatment (this does not preclude taking action in an emergency situation);

c. Convey messages between the agency and the parents/guardians

6. Authorized school and district personnel may make available to the Department of Social Services, assigned to investigate instances of child abuse, the health or other records of a student for such investigative purposes.

(Adoption date 11 I 1 9/80)

(Amended 5/ 17 /90)