GBGA Policy - Staff Health

Code:  GBGA


Physical and Mental Examination Requirements

The board believes that most human problems can be dealt with successfully provided they are identified during the early stages and referral is made to a helping resource.  The board therefore promotes an attitude of assistance and support towards solving human personal problems encountered by employees, e.g., alcohol or other drug misuse, physical or mental problems, communicable disease, or other concerns which may affect job performance. 

The board intends that this policy will encourage staff to take early advantage of the resources available on a voluntary basis. 

Through its overall safety program and various policies pertaining to school personnel, the Board shall seek to insure the safety of employees during working hours and assist them in the maintenance of good health.  It shall encourage all its employees to maintain good health and practice good health habits. 

Under the following circumstances, the Board may require physical examinations of its employees.  Results of such physical examinations shall be maintained in separate medical files and not in the employee's personnel file and may be released only in limited circumstances. 

Routine Physical Examinations

All new employees as a condition of employment shall present a completed physical examination form from a physician prior to assuming their duties and/or receiving pay.  A 30-day grace period may be allowed if approved by personnel services.  The cost of the pre-employment physical will be borne by the employee. All new employees are subject to fingerprinting and a background check as a condition of employment. The cost of the background check will be borne by the district and the cost of the fingerprinting will be borne by the employee.

All bus drivers, including full-time, regular part-time or temporary part-time drivers shall be required to have an annual physical examination.  All Food Service personnel shall be required to have a pre-employment physical examination and TB skin test, contingent upon the availability of PPD for testing, and be required to have a physical examination every five years of employment thereafter. The district will reimburse employees a set amount for physicals as defined each year by the district business manager.  Charges beyond the set amount will be the employee's responsibility.

Special Examinations

The Board recognizes that an individual's medical diagnosis is privileged information between the patient and medical professions.  However, whenever a staff member's medical condition is such that it interferes with his ability to perform her/his duties or there is a risk to the health and safety of others, the district has a responsibility to take necessary steps to evaluate the employee's condition and make appropriate employment decisions. 

The Board may request physical examinations and/or mental health examinations of any employee at any time to determine if the employee has a physical and/or mental condition, disease or illness which may interfere with her/his ability to perform his/her duties or which may pose a significant risk to the health, safety or welfare of the employee or others.  The school district shall select the medical professional to conduct such examination.  The district shall pay for all such physical examinations. 

Communicable Diseases

An employee with an acute, common communicable disease, infection or condition of which there is a significant risk of being transmitted while performing services in the school setting and which, if transmitted, poses a risk of serious health problem, shall not report to work during the period of time in which s/he is conta­gious/infectious.  The district reserves the right to require a physician's statement prior to the employee's return to work. 

Any employee who becomes aware that s/he has a long-term, communicable disease, which poses little risk of transmission in a school setting, may want to report to a designated school administrator that s/he is afflicted with the disease.  If the employee elects to make the report, the administrator shall work with the employee to provide a safe environment for the employee and other personnel with whom the employee has contact.  The school district will treat these employees in a fair, nondiscriminatory and confidential manner consistent with the district's legal obligations.  Federal and state law mandate that handicapped individuals not be discriminated against on the basis of their handicaps and that, if it becomes necessary, some reasonable accommodations be made to enable qualified individuals to continue work. 


In all instances, district personnel shall respect the individual's right to privacy and treat any medical diagnosis as confidential information.  Special precautions should be taken to protect information regarding an employee's health condition in order to prevent instances of disclosure that may invade the personal privacy of the employee.  Records pertaining to confidential medical information of employees should be kept separate from employment records (personnel file).  The records should be maintained in a secure location with a designated person responsible for the records. 


Adoption Date: 11/19/80

Amended Date: 3/19/97

Amended Date: 8/18/14

Amended Date: 6/19/18

Amended Date: 10/16/19