Employee Fringe Benefits

Medical Insurance

The District provides health insurance to eligible employees through the Wyoming School Board Association Insurance Trust (WSBAIT).  The insurance program is administered by WSBAIT's third-party administrator UMR .    The current employee medical premium deduction amounts are listed here.

Quick Link to All Plan Overview

Summary of Benefits & Coverage (SBCs)

Summary of Plan Documents (SPD)

NEW FY25 - Health Navigator vis WSBAIT 

Section 125 Cafeteria Plan

The District allows employees to pay the employee portion of their health premium deductions and voluntary Health Savings Account (HSA) contributions through the District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. This plan allows employees to pay certain qualified expenses (such as health insurance premiums) on a pre-tax basis, thereby reducing their total taxable income and increasing their spendable/take-home income. 

Benefit eligible employees are automatically enrolled at the time they enroll in the District's medical insurance plan (or opt out of plan if they so choose).  In addition, if they participate in Plan D of District medical insurance they will be able to voluntarily make HSA contributions through the plan as well.

SCSD 9 Cafeteria 125 Plan Document

Certification of HSA Plan Eligibility

HSA Pre-Tax Salary Redirection

Retiree HRA Plan Summary

Dental Insurance

The District provides dental insurance to eligible employees through Delta Dental of Wyoming.  The District currently covers of 100% of the employee premium election for dental insurance.

District 403-B Plan

What is a 403(b) Plan?

A 403(b) plan is a retirement plan for certain employees of public schools, tax-exempt organizations and ministers. Contributions are made under a Salary Reduction Agreement (SRA) with your employer. This agreement allows your employer to withhold money from your paycheck to be contributed directly into a 403(b) account for your benefit. Usually, you do not pay income tax on these contributions until you withdraw them from the account. 

SCSD #9 uses a third-party administrator (TPA) for its approved 403(b) administrator, The OMNI Group.  This TPA is responsible for all enrollment, contribution and compliance monitoring.

Current Year 403(B) Universal Availability Notice

403(b) Help

403(b) OMNI Participant Website

Wyoming Retirement System (WRS)


Any full or part-time regular employee of the District is automatically enrolled in the Wyoming Retirement Public Pension System as required by Wyoming State Statute.  Contributions are mandatory.  The current public pension contribution rates can be found hereCurrently the District pays 100% of both the employee and employer contributions.  More information about WRS can be found at the following link: 

The WRS utilizes an on-line employee portal to assist members. This Online Pension Account provides access to pension information and transactions specific to your account.  The employee portal is referred to as the RAIN system and each member is issued a RAIN identification number in order to track member specific information.  It is highly recommended that employees set up and access the WRS RAIN portal.  You will need three (3) pieces of information to set up a RAIN account: your RAIN ID, your Social Security Number and your Date-of-Birth. You can get your RAIN ID (3 weeks after your first payroll cycle) from the District Business Office by calling extension 4321.  You will also need an email address.  The District recommends that you use a personal email, not your Sublette #9 District email. Should you no longer work for the District (i.e. you retire, change jobs, etc.)  you will be unable to access your account and will be required to contact WRS to change your email. 

For help setting up an account you can access the WRS website's Pension Portal Help page here or you can go directly to the RAIN portal login page by clicking on the link below.


The WRS also provides a voluntary retirement savings option with its 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.  Not unlike the District 403(b), this option allows employees to save for retirement above and beyond the State pension that is mandated by Wyoming statute.  457 plan refers to a non-qualified, tax-advantaged deferred compensation retirement plan. Eligible employees are allowed to make salary deferral contributions to the 457 plan. Earnings grow on a tax-deferred basis and contributions are not taxed until the assets are distributed from the plan.

WRS 457 Deferred Comp Information