BGB Policy Adoption

Code: BGB


Adoption of new policies or the revision or repeal of existing policies is solely the responsibility of the Board of Trustees.

The Board shall adhere to the following procedure in considering and adopting policy proposals to ensure that they will be examined before the final action.

1.    First Meeting ‑ The proposal shall be presented as discussion item.

2.    Second Meeting ‑ The proposal shall be presented for a second reading, discussion, and final adoption.

During the discussion of a policy proposal, the views of the public and staff will be considered.  Amendments may be proposed by board members.  An amendment, including a motion to repeal a policy, will not require that the policy go through additional reading except as the Board determines that the amendment needs further study and that an additional reading would be desirable.

Under unusual circumstances, the Board may temporarily approve and place into effect a policy to meet unusual conditions.  However, the above procedure is required before the policy shall be considered final.


Adoption Date: 11/19/80

Amended Date: 4/17/14

Amended Date: 2/21/17