ID Policy - School Day

Code: ID


The length of the school day at various levels shall be recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board. School shall be in session for instructional purposes in keeping with minimum requirements of Wyoming Department of Education Rules. School hours may be extended beyond the minimum upon Board action.

The opening and closing hours for schools shall also be subject to Board approval. The Superintendent is authorized to approve minor changes in opening and closing times to facilitate the scheduling of transportation. However, school hours will be kept as consistent as possible at various levels throughout the district.

The Superintendent is authorized to adjust the regular daily school schedule to release students early for staff development activities and for other extraordinary events such as emergency school closings.

Teachers may be required to remain beyond the regularly scheduled hours for responsibilities including, but not limited to, meetings, parent conferences, and supervision of extra-curricular activities. 


Adoption:  11/19/80

Revised:  01/20/16