Health Services
When you enter this office, you are: SAFE, important, respected, understood, SUPER, SMART, amazing, special, brave, amazing, STRONG, cared for, and LOVED. YOU are the reason I am here!
Tonia Hoffman, RN
School Nurse
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Friday
If you have a concern about your child please contact my office, and I will respond as soon as possible-schedule allowing.
Parents: Check out the Surgeon General's website to find the latest information and resources regarding the dangers of vaping:
The new My 307 Wellness app connects families with Wyoming resources. The app can also track doctor appointments more right from your phone. Search "My 307 Wellness" in your app store or text FAMILY to 307-317-0819 for a link.
Just a Reminder from the Health Office!
Your student may return to school after being fever free (less than 100 degrees) for 72 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications.
If your student has been vomiting, she may return to school after 24 hours without vomiting.
Please consider visiting your family Healthcare Provider if fever persists beyond 36 hours, or if your student has a persistent sore throat, cough, vomiting, or severe headache.
You can decrease the spread of illness by using basic infection control methods:
1. Keep sick family members away from those who are well.
2. Do not share food or drinks.
3. Cover coughs and sneezes.
4. Wash hands frequently!
Please help us curtail illness by keeping sick kids at home.
Requirements for Immunizations