JJB Policy Student Social Events

Code: JJB


The Board believes that social activities in school life assist students in learning how to enjoy worthwhile group events, how to conduct them, and how to contribute to the enjoyment of others.  Therefore, schools and school groups may hold social events for their membership with the approval of the school principal and under proper staff supervision.  Use of school facilities may be granted for these activities. 

The principal and the teaching staff shall evaluate social events in terms of contributions to student growth and morale. 

Proper chaperoning shall be provided under the direction of the principal. 

All social activities will be held on school premises.  Social activities may take place off school premises only with approval of the Superintendent. 

Adoption Date:  11/19/80

Amended:  11 /20/85

Amended:  05/17/90

Amended:  02/15/04

Amended:  05/21/09

Amended:  03/21/17