IHBAC_Programs for Students with Disabilities



Sublette County School District #9 shall locate, evaluate, identify and provide special education and related services for eligible children with disabilities, residing in Sublette County School District #9, in accordance with the Wyoming Department of Education’s policies and procedures, Wyoming Chapter 7 Rules Governing Services for Children with Disabilities and the IDEA. Furthermore, the district shall develop and maintain administrative procedure aligning with the Wyoming Department of Education’s policies and procedures for special education.

This policy requires that district administrative procedure align with each provision

contained in the Wyoming Department of Education’s Special Programs Division “Policy and Procedure Manual for Special Education.” District administrative procedure shall address child find, evaluation and eligibility determination, confidentiality, individualized education programs including the provision of a free appropriate public education without regard to whether a student is placed internally or externally from the district in compliance with 34 C.F.R. Sections 104.33-104.37, and all other topics explicitly contained in the WDE policies and procedures for special education.

Each eligible child in Sublette County School District #9 shall be provided a free appropriate public education through an individualized education program. The District will control and direct Individualized Education Plans (I.E.P.S.) for all students including those placed in external residential facilities. The district shall ensure that children with disabilities have available to them the variety of educational programs and services available to non-disabled children. Schools in Sublette County School District #9 may use response to intervention (RtI) as part of a comprehensive evaluation in determining whether a child has a specific learning disability.

The Superintendent shall delegate responsibility for the administration of this policy.


Guidelines for providing these special services can be found in the “Wyoming Department of Education’s Special Programs Division Policy and Procedure Manual for Special Education” in the office of the Special Services Director/Coordinator and in each individual school building in the District.

Amended: June 16, 2011


Amended: September 18, 2018


WSBA Revised: 10/04/21


Amended: 12/21/21