GDO Policy - Evaluation of Support Staff
Code: GDO
The development of a strong, confident, classified staff is essential to the smooth functioning of a school system. The Board expects all employees to make continuous effort to improve their work and expect their supervisors to assist them through supervision and the evaluation process. The Board delegates to the Superintendent the responsibility for developing evaluation procedures for all classified personnel. The plan shall provide that all classified employees are evaluated at least once each year.
Neither the preparation and use of evaluations, nor anything contained therein, or in any related reports and evaluation documents, nor the absence or lack of evaluation, reports, or evaluation documents, or anything contained therein, shall preclude the use or consideration of other applicable information by either the Superintendent or the Board of Trustees in deciding whether or not to continue the employment of the classified staff member. It is not the intent of this policy to impose in any manner any expectation of re-employment or continued employment or otherwise convey in any manner a property interest of any kind in the employment of the staff being evaluated.
Adoption Date: 11/19/80
Amended: 9/16/87
Amended: 2/21/17