GBED Policy - Tobacco Nicotine Free School

Code: GBED



I.      Purpose


This is a comprehensive policy designed to ensure a safe learning and work environment free of

commercial tobacco and nicotine products


A. Sublette County School District #9 recognizes that the use of commercial tobacco products, including electronic smoking devices, is a health, safety, and environmental hazard for students, staff, visitors, and school facilities. The board is acutely aware of the serious health risks associated with the use of commercial tobacco products, including electronic smoking devices, to users and non-users. Sublette County School District #9 believes that the use or promotion of commercial tobacco products, including electronic smoking devices, on school grounds and at off-campus school-sponsored events is detrimental to the health and safety of students, staff, and visitors.

B. Sublette County School District #9 embraces that adult staff and visitors serve as role models for students. Sublette County School District #9 embraces its obligation to promote positive role models in schools and to provide an environment for learning and working that is safe, healthy, and free from unwanted smoke or aerosol and other commercial tobacco use for the students, staff, and visitors.


Therefore, Sublette County School District #9 adopts the following commercial tobacco free/nicotine free policy:


II.     General Statement of Policy


A. Sublette County School District #9 students are prohibited from possessing, using, consuming, displaying, promoting, or selling any tobacco or nicotine products, tobacco or nicotine-related devices, imitation tobacco or nicotine products, or lighters at any time on school property or at any off-campus, school-sponsored events. This includes products or paraphernalia displaying tobacco industry brands.

B. Administrators, staff, or visitors of Sublette County School District #9 are prohibited from using, consuming, displaying, promoting, or selling any tobacco or nicotine products, tobacco or nicotine-related devices, imitation tobacco or nicotine products, or lighters at any time on school property or at any off-campus, school-sponsored events. This includes products or paraphernalia displaying tobacco industry brands.

C. Sublette County School District #9 shall act to enforce this policy and to take appropriate action against any student, staff, administrator, or visitor who is found to have violated this Policy.

D. Instruction to discourage the use of tobacco products shall be included in the education provided for all students. Those responsible for teaching tobacco use prevention shall have adequate training and participate in ongoing professional development activities to effectively deliver the education program as planned.


III.    Opportunities for Cessation Programs


A. Administrators shall consult with the local public health department or other appropriate health agencies and allied community-based organizations to provide students, staff, and administrators with information and access to support systems, programs, and services to encourage them to abstain from the use of tobacco products.

B. Administrators shall identify and offer evidence-based programs and services for staff

that use tobacco products to support them in complying with this policy (i.e., My Life, My

Quit, Wyoming Quit Tobacco).


IV.    Enforcement


The success of this policy depends upon the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of the whole Sublette County School District #9 community. All individuals on school premises, including students, staff, administrators, and visitors, are responsible for adhering to and enforcing this policy. Members of the Sublette County School District #9 community are encouraged to communicate this policy with courtesy and diplomacy. Any person acting in violation of this policy will be informed or reminded of the policy and asked to comply.


A. Student Violations

1. The first violation shall result in confiscation of tobacco/nicotine products,

tobacco/nicotine-related devices, imitation tobacco/nicotine products, or lighters;

notification of parents and/or guardians; provide resources for use of a cessation app; enrollment in My Life, My Quit or participation in another tobacco/nicotine education program; and two days of in-school suspension.

2. The second violation shall result in confiscation of tobacco/nicotine products,

tobacco/nicotine-related devices, imitation tobacco/nicotine products, or lighters;

notification of parents and/or guardians; enrollment in My Life, My Quit or participation in another tobacco/nicotine education program; and two days of in-school suspension. Law enforcement will be notified.

3. The third and subsequent violations shall result in confiscation of tobacco/nicotine products, tobacco/nicotine-related devices, imitation tobacco/nicotine products, or lighters; notification of parents and/or guardians; enrollment in My Life, My Quit or participation in another tobacco/nicotine education program; two days in-school suspension; and student assessment with a chemical health educator/treatment provider. Law enforcement will be notified.


(Please note tobacco/nicotine related violations impact student participation in extracurricular activities. See the Coaches Handbook for more information.)


B. Staff Violations

1. The first violation of this policy shall result in a verbal warning to the staff member and an offer of a referral to Wyoming Quit Tobacco or a similar program.

2. The second violation shall result in a written warning to the staff member with a copy placed in the staff member’s district personnel file and an offer of referral to Wyoming Quit Tobacco.

3. The third violation shall be considered insubordination and shall be dealt with

accordingly based on established policies and procedures.


C. Visitor Violations

1. Visitors observed violating this policy shall be asked to comply with Sublette County School District #9’s tobacco/nicotine free policy.

2. If a visitor fails to comply with the request, this policy violation may be referred to the building principal or other available school district supervisory personnel. The supervisor shall decide on further action that may include a directive that the visitor leaves school property.

3. Repeated violations may result in a recommendation that the superintendent

prohibits the individual from entering Sublette County School District #9’s property for a specified period of time.


V.     Dissemination of Policy


A. Appropriate signage shall be posted throughout the district at building entrances and

other highly visible locations on all school buildings, building entrances, vehicles,

vehicular entrances to school grounds, and all indoor and outdoor athletic facilities

indicating that Sublette County School District #9 requires an environment free of commercial tobacco and nicotine.

B. Sublette County School District #9 shall notify students and parents/guardians of this policy through student handbooks and orientations.

C. Sublette County School District #9 shall provide notice of this policy in staff handbooks, through orientations and employee or staff training, and when offering employment.

D. Sublette County School District #9 shall make reminder announcements of its commercial tobacco/nicotine free policy at Sublette County School District #9 events at appropriate intervals throughout the events, when possible.


VI.    Program Evaluation


A. The tobacco/nicotine free policy shall be assessed by the school district or its designee evaluator at regular intervals, but at least once a year, to determine whether policies, policy enforcement, communication, education, staff training, and cessation programs are effective. Policies and programs shall be updated and revised accordingly.


VII.   Effective Date


This policy shall take effect in full on [3/16/23].


(Adoption Date: March 20, 1991)

(Date of Implementation: July 1, 1991)

Revised: 2/21/17

Revised: 3/16/23