CBA Policy - Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent

Code: CBA


TITLE:    Superintendent of Schools

QUALIFICATIONS:                         1.     Meets the requirements of the Wyoming Department of Education.

2.     Compliance with W.S. '21-2-802(e). 

3.     Such additions to the above qualifica­tions as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable. 

REPORTS TO:                    Board of Trustees

SUPERVISES:                     All District personnel 

JOB GOAL:                          To inspire, lead, guide, and direct every member of the administrative, instructional, and supportive                                                    services team in setting and achieving the highest standards of excellence, so that each individual                                                      student enrolled in our District may be provided with a complete, valuable, meaningful, and personally                                                 rewarding education

Further, to oversee and administer the use of all District facilities, property, and funds with a maximum of efficiency, a minimum of waste, and an ever-present, overriding awareness of and concern for their impact upon each individual student's education


 1. Appreciates the worth and dignity of each individual and treats each one with respect and tolerance. 

2.  Administers, as chief school executive, the development and maintenance of a positive educational program designed to meet the needs of the community and to carry out the policies of the Board. 

 3. Secures and nominates for employment the best qualified and most competent personnel. 

 4. Recommends the number and types of positions required and assigns and defines the duties of all personnel, subject to the approval of the Board. 

 5. Recommends policies on organization, finance, instruction, school plant, and all other functions of the school program. 

 6. Maintains open communications for staff, students, and support services within the District and throughout the community. 

 7. Confers periodically with professional and lay groups concerning the school program and transmits to the Board suggestions gained from such conferences. 

 8. Prepares and submits to the Board recommendations relative to all matters requiring Board action, placing before the Board such necessary and helpful facts, information, and reports as are needed to insure the making of informed decisions. 

 9. Informs and advises the Board about the programs, practices, and problems of the schools and keeps the Board informed of the activities operating under the Board's authority. 

10. Supervises the preparation of the annual budget and recommends it to the Board for approval. 

11. Attends and participates in all meetings of the Board except those meetings which are concerned with the Superintendent's employment. 

12. Conducts a continuous evaluation of the progress and the needs of the schools and keeps the public informed. 

13. Keeps informed of modern educational concepts and practices by advanced study, by visiting school systems elsewhere, by attending education conferences, and by other appropriate means, and keeps the Board informed of trends in education. 

14. Keeps the public informed about modern educational practices, educational trends, and the policies, practices, and problems in the District's schools. 

15. Studies and revises, together with the staff, all curriculum guides and courses of study on a continuing basis. 

16. Recommends to the Board for its adoption all courses of study, curriculum guides, and major changes in texts and time schedules to be used in the schools. 

17. Makes recommendations with reference to the location and size of new school sites and of additions to existing sites, the location and size of new buildings on school sites, the plans for new school buildings, all appropriations for sites and buildings, and improvements, alterations, and changes in the buildings and equipment of the District. 

18. Submits to the Board a clear and detailed explanation of any proposed procedure which would involve either departure from established policy or the expenditure of substantial sums. 

19. Maintains adequate records for the schools including a system of financial accounts, business and property records, and personnel, school population, and scholastic records.  Acts as custodian of such records and of all contracts, securities, documents, title papers, books of record, and other papers belonging to the Board. 

20. Attends, or delegates a representative to attend, all meetings of municipal agencies at which matters pertaining to the public schools appear on the agenda or are expected to be raised. 

21. Demonstrates a leadership role in community affairs and organizations. 

22. Promotes a program of effective public relations in dealing with personnel and the community. 

23. Visits schools on a regular basis. 

24. Acts as the District Compliance Officer. 

25. Maintains memberships in service clubs at Board expense -- membership to be mutually agreed upon between the Superintendent and the Board. 

26. Follows District policies and procedures. 

27. Performs such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees. 

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT:  Full-time -- eight (8) hours per day, twelve (12) months per year (with provi­sions for vacation time as outlined in the Super­inten­dent's contract) at a salary to be determined by the Board. 

EVALUATION:  Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy on evaluation of the Superintendent. 

Adoption Date:  11/19/80

Amended:  3/19/97

Amended:  9/19/17