DEC Policy - Utilization of Appropriate Grant Monies

It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent of Schools to be aware of federal and state legislation as well as opportunities available in the private sector that would provide through grants or other sources of revenue additional sources of financial support to provide for increased educational opportunities of students or employees, to pro vi de or enhance the environment of students of school district employees, or to enhance the physical and mental growth of school district students or employees.

The Board of Trustees authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to execute and file applications for and in behalf of the school district and to act as its authorized representative in matters concerning all appropriate grant funding programs.

The Superintendent of Schools shall have the responsibility of ensuring the Board of Trustees is advised of all grant applications and of the status of all grant programs as to utilization and application.

(Adoption date 1 1 I 19/80)

(Amended date 5/ 17 /90)