JIC Policy_Student Conduct

Code: JIC


District policy and general rules of conduct for students are applicable for all district's schools to ensure the rights and welfare of all students, and are designed to prevent the disruptive few from interfering with the education of all.  When students violate rules, the district will take appropriate action.  Students not under the authority of a parent or guardian will assume full responsibility for their behavior. 

The principal has the overall responsibility to direct the staff to guide and counsel individuals and groups within each school.  In order to assist the principal in carrying out his responsibility, the principal and building staff will confer from time to time.  The staff is responsible for maintaining proper order and discipline and uniform enforcement of established standards. 

All students are expected to comply with printed school regulations, specifically including conduct requirements set forth in student handbooks, as well as other commonly accepted standards of good behavior, and to learn behavior patterns which will enable them to be responsible, contributing members of society. 

Students will be expected to conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, acting with due regard for the supervisory authority vested by the Board in all district employees; the educational purpose underlying all school activities; the widely shared use of school property; and the rights and welfare of other students.  All employees of the district will be expected to share the responsibility for supervising the behavior of students and for seeing that they abide by the established rules of conduct. 

The principal and/or superintendent may suspend or recommend expulsion of a student who violates one or more of the following standards of conduct while on school grounds, during a school-sponsored activity, or during a school-related activity including traveling to or from school: 

1.     causes or attempts to cause damage to school property or private property, or steals or attempts to steal school property; 

2.     causes or attempts to cause physical injury to another person except in self defense; 

3.     possesses or transmits any weapon or other dangerous object; 

4.     possesses, uses, transmits, or is under the influence of any illegal drug, alcoholic beverage, controlled substance, or otherwise violates the drug, alcohol or tobacco policies; 

5.     continued willful disobedience or open and persistent defiance of proper authority; 

6.     behavior which is detrimental to the welfare, safety and morals of other students; 

7.     violation of any other rule, regulation, or handbook provision applicable to student conduct. 

For Procedures, see Policy (JKD).

Adoption Date:  11/19/80

Amended:  3/21/17