BEE Board Hearing Appeal Procedures

Code: BEE

                                                                                                            BOARD HEARING/APPEAL PROCEDURES

All formal due process hearings to be held before the board of trustees shall be conducted in the manner provided by the Rules of Practice Governing Hearings and Contested Cases Before the Board of Trustees and in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedures Act. 

Findings of fact and recommendations that are required to be made by an independent hearing officer and then are submitted to the Board for consideration shall be considered in accordance with these rules. 

Decisions regarding determination of eligibility for free and reduced-price school lunches shall also be held in accordance with the district rules governing determination of eligibility for free and reduced-price school lunches. 

Disputes regarding services and programs provided to children with disabilities shall be resolved in the manner provided by the Wyoming State Board of Education Rules and Regulations for serving children with disabilities, specifically including the due process procedures set forth therein. 

Less formal hearings may be conducted before the board of trustees at any time with the consent of all parties or as provided for resolving grievances and/or other discrimination claims which are appealed to the board of trustees, in which event the appeal process shall be as set forth in the specific policy relating to the grievance or claim. 

Adoption Date: 7/18/2012

Amended Date: 1/17/13