DBF - Budget Hearing and Reviews
Code: DBF
Public hearings on the budget are regulated by the Municipal Fiscal Procedures Act and other legislation.
A summary of the proposed budget shall be entered into the minutes and the District shall publish the summary at least one week before the budget hearing date in a newspaper having general circulation within the school district.
The Board shall schedule a public hearing to consider the annual school district budget not later than the third Wednesday in July. Copies of publications of hearings shall be furnished to the Director of the State Department of Audit and to the State Department of Education.
Within twenty-four (24) hours of the conclusion of the public hearing on the District’s budget, the school board shall by resolution make the necessary appropriations and adopt the budget which, subject to future amendment, shall be in effect for the fiscal year.
Legal ref.:
W.S. 16-4-109; 16-4-111
Adopted: 8/15/23
Sublette County School District # 9, Big Piney, Wyoming