KDF - Community Participation at Board Meetings

Code:  KDF


All regular and special meetings of the Board shall be open to the public except for executive sessions which may be convened as provided by law.  Because the Board desires to hear the viewpoints of citizens throughout the district, it shall offer suitable time at all meetings for citizens to be heard.  Recognizing its responsibility for proper governance of the schools and, therefore, the need to conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner, the Board shall schedule a period during each meeting for public participation.  At times, it shall set a time limit on the length of this period or a time limit for individual speakers. 

To achieve orderly meetings, the Board may regulate the conduct of the public and if any meeting is willfully disrupted by a person or group of persons, the Board, in accordance with law, "may order the removal of such person or group from the meeting room and continue in session or may recess the meeting and reconvene at another location". 

The Board Chairman shall be responsible for recognizing all speakers, who shall properly identify themselves; for maintaining proper order; and for adherence to any time limit set.  Questions asked by the public shall, when  possible, be answered immediately by the Chairman or referred to staff members present for reply; questions requiring investigation shall be referred to the Board of administrative staff for consideration and later response.  Members of the public will not be recognized by the Chairman as the Board conducts its official business except when the Board schedules, in advance, an interim public discussion period on a particular agenda item. 


Adoption Date: 11/19/80

Amended Date: 10/23/14