Peer Mentor
Peer mentor program goals include:
-Reduction in bullying
– Improved academic performance (usually defined through grades or standardized test scores)
– Improved feelings of scholastic competence and confidence
– Improved relations with peers, teachers, and other school personnel
– Increased attendance and class participation
– Improved homework completion
– Increased access to other school resources (such as the library or computer lab)
– Reductions in classroom disruptions, fighting, and other negative school behavior
– Increased exploration of, or acceptance to, secondary education opportunities
– Improved job placement or career exploration
Adult advisers may volunteer or be recruited by the school administrator.
Attend training (with students and Train the Trainer)
Attend meetings with Peer Mentors to discuss mentoring concerns, issues, strategies.
Advise peer mentors if they are having difficulties with the mentee.
Students assigned to a specific adviser for the duration of the program to develop long-term working relationship. Changes made only when mutually agreed.
Participate in annual training of new Peer Mentors.
Peer Mentors in grades 9-12 will be selected based on a recommendation by the High School staff.
What are benefits to the peer mentor for participating?
New skills that will benefit them in school/life/careers
Leadership opportunity
Excellent resume
Must commit to:
Attend and participate in training
Attend and participate in meetings with Advisers to plan activities and work with Mentees.
Serve as a mentor to one student, who will be matched by the Advisers.
Participate in monthly formal planned activities with Peer Mentors/Mentees.
Serve as role model school-wide by standing up for district values
BPHS staff members will identify students who need mentoring.
A parent may also refer a student for mentoring.
Improved academic performance (grades, fewer weeks on the down list, homework completion, attendance, attitude)
Improved social/behavioral performance at school (reduced behavior referrals, better school attendance, fewer detentions, more friends, better attitude as reports by teachers and other adults)
Opportunity to develop leadership skills.
Develop a trusting relationship with an older student.
Leadership training of advisers and peer mentors by Search Institute; subsequent training will be conducted by advisers.
Training of trainers for advisers.
Participants agree to model district values of Respect, Excellence, Integrity, Responsibility, Empathy, and Courage.
Participants agree to confidentiality.
24-36 Peer mentors selected and trained via application and teacher referral.
24-36 Mentees referred by teacher/ other adults.
Bi-monthly planned activities for mentor/mentee during lunch.
Monthly adviser/mentor meetings to discuss concerns, issues, and strategies.
Informal mentoring by peer mentors by serving as a role model who stands up for students who are being bullied, gossiped about, picked on, or standing up against behaviors that do not reflect our district values.
Evaluation of program: surveys for advisers, peer mentors, and mentees. On-line surveys will be created/administered.
Evaluation data will include bullying statistics (for reporting to state grant), as well as data about attendance, grades, down the list, annual youth risk survey.
Search Institute 40 Developmental Assets of Youth will be used as a basis for building skills of mentees.
Norma Clements Advisor
Jenna Banks