GCEC_Posting and Advertising of Professional Staff Vacancies

Code: GCEC


The school board believes that it has the obligation to provide the best administrative and teaching personnel available for the system regardless of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, or religion.  All of its policies and procedures with respect to employing and assigning personnel will be based upon this principle. 

Therefore it will be the policy of the school district to advertise openings in professional positions.  The following will apply:

When the board or superintendent declares a position open, the school district through its administration will immediately advertise for the position;

Advertisement will be posted and advertised for an appropriate time period determined by the Superintendent; and

In the case of multiple openings, an applicant interested in more than one (1) position must indicate on his/her application or letter of interest which position or positions he/she is applying for. 

Vacancy announcements shall generally contain: 

(1)   name of position; 

(2)   closing date for the acceptance of applications; 

(3)   directions for making proper applications; and

(4)   the school district's statement of nondiscrimination. 

This policy does not apply to openings filled by transfer of an existing employee. 

Adoption Date:  2/21/17