JLCD_Administering Medicine to Students

                                                                                                                                                                                            Code:  JLCD

                                                                                                           ADMINISTERING MEDICINE TO STUDENTS

Except in an emergency situation,  no medication, internal or external, including medications and vitamins, should be dispensed by the nurse or school personnel unless requested in writing by the child's parents or his physician. 

When a child must receive medication during school hours, the following policy should be followed:

1.    Signed, written permission of the parents with written instructions to be on file in the school before any medication is dispensed. Signed, written instructions from either a physician or pharmacist must also be provided if the medication is a prescription medication.  The instructions should include the name of the child, the quantity, frequency and duration of medication.  

2.    Except in an emergency situation, the school nurse/UAP may administer specified over the counter medication from a common source subsequent to verbal and written notification/permission from the parent.  

3.    If the drug is left in charge of the nurse or school personnel at the physician's request, the medication should be labeled with the child's name, name of medication, time of day medication is to be given, duration it is to be given, and the physician's name.  

4.    Except for self-carry medications, all medications, which are to be left in charge of the nurse or school official, must be kept in a locked cabinet, out of the reach of children.  Controlled substances must be double-locked. 

5.    For school-sponsored trips, the following procedure will prevail:  

a.   Parent or guardian will complete a form indicating student's need for medication (name of medication, dosage, and condition requiring the medication).  

b.   Information form must be returned to sponsor prior to trip. The sponsor will receive any specialized training that is needed in order to administer medication by the nurse prior to departure. 

c.    All medications must be in appropriately labeled containers.  

Pursuant to W.S. §21-4-310, a student may possess and self-administer medication required for potentially life threatening conditions within a school of the District if a written statement is submitted to the District containing:  

 Adoption Date: 10/22/13

Amended Date: 3/20/14