GBGB Policy - Pupil-Staff Personal Security and Safety
The Sublette School District #9 Board of Education recognizes the value of extracurricular activities in the educational process and the values that students develop when they have the opportunity to participate in an organized activity outside of the traditional classroom.
All participants, parents and fans attending extracurricular activities are expected to demonstrate the same level of responsibility and behavior at practice and competitions as is expected of our students in the classroom. Adults, and particularly parents, provide important models for our student's patterns of behavior and it is important that they subscribe to the principles of the development and promotion of sportsmanship, ethics and integrity in all phases of the educational process- including extracurricular activities.
All employees and pupils have the right to be safe from abuse, assault or threat while working in any capacity or attending any school class, activity or extracurricular event. Employees may take reasonable and necessary action to protect themselves from immediate or impending assault. However, employees must also use appropriate measures and judgment to avoid such assault.
a. No parent or other person or persons shall obstruct or disrupt by force or other means any school activity. Neither shall any person or persons refuse to desist from a course of conduct or remove him/herself or themselves when requested to do so by authorized representatives of the district after being notified that their conduct or presence is contrary to or in violation of policies, rules or regulations of the orderly operation of Sublette School District #9.
b. Any person or persons creating a disruption or breach of peace; threatening, abusive or obscene language; violent actions showing probable cause of intent to create a disturbance may be requested to leave school/activity premises by school/district officials. Refusal to leave peaceably when requested to do so may result in law enforcement authorities being called to remove said individual.
a. In the event of an assault of either a pupil or employee, the teacher and/or coach or pupil will report the assault immediately to his/her building principal, athletic director in the case of athletic events and superintendent as soon as possible after the event/incident.
b. The immediate supervisor will provide assistance in (1) seeing that appropriate medical attention is given and/or arranged for; (2) seeing that the assault is reported and/or filed with the appropriate law enforcement authorities and (3) reporting the incident to the building principal. Both the immediate supervisor and building principal shall file a written "incident report" with the superintendent as soon as possible. The Superintendent shall notify the insurance carrier if deemed necessary.
c. Persons who attempt to injure, touch in a rude or angry manner or recklessly cause injury to an employee or pupil of the school district shall be dealt with accordingly, i.e., the athletic director, principal and/or superintendent shall determine the appropriateness of filing criminal charges and/or initiating restraining order proceedings restricting said individual(s) from being at or on any school property.
d. This policy shall be summarized and distributed to each student and parent.
Adoption Date: 7/17/96