JFAB Policy_Admission of Non-Resident Students
Code: JFAB
"Non-Resident Student": A non-resident student is any student who is not residing within the school district with intent to make his residence within the school district a permanent residence. Students who only move into the school district on a temporary basis for the convenience of attending schools without intent to permanently reside in the district and who generally leave the school district during summers and times when school is not in session to return to their parents' home or other place of permanent residence, will not be considered residents of the district.
The Board of Trustees has the sole discretion to admit or not admit pupils resident in other districts to this school district for any reason deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees except in the case of a student requesting admission from a district that does not maintain a high school wherein that district has agreed to pay tuition in addition to transportation or maintenance for the child to attend school in this district.
The Board of Trustees may admit any student who is a resident in another school district of the State or who resides outside of the State unless such admission would overcrowd the classrooms of the admitting district. The decision of whether or not to admit a nonresident student is optional with the Board of Trustees and requests for admission may be turned down for any reason deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees. However, in the case of a request for admission to high school by a student who is a resident in a school district within the State of Wyoming which does not maintain a high school, the student shall be admitted unless such admission would overcrowd the facilities of the district or in any way work a definite hardship upon the educational program of the district as a result of the admission.
The admission of any student shall be for a period of one (1) school year and the nonresident student shall reapply for admission the following year. The District shall review the application for admission each year and must grant admission before the student can be admitted or readmitted. In determining whether or not to grant an admission or request for readmission, the board may consider any factors it deems important including, but not limited to, financial consequences, available staff, available facilities, class enrollment, prior disciplinary problems, prior attendance record, and previous effort to make satisfactory academic progress, among others.
The district may deny admission to any pupil who has been suspended or expelled from another school district whether located in or outside the state, for the duration of the suspension or expulsion regardless of whether or not the student establishes residency within this district.
The district shall not charge tuition to the school district wherein the student resides so long as the student resides within the State of Wyoming provided, however, if the student requesting admission is a student from another Wyoming district which does not maintain a high school and the student is requesting admission to high school, the district shall charge the residential district tuition in an amount established pursuant to W.S. 21-4-501(c). Upon admission, the student shall be included within the average daily membership (ADM) of the school he/she attends.
The district may, at its sole option and in the discretion of the Board of Trustees, admit pupils from out of state at the rate of tuition at least as high as the actual per-pupil cost for educating that student within the district as such cost is calculated pursuant to W.S. 21-4-501(c) as may be amended. Once the out-of-state student is admitted and tuition is paid as provided for herein, the student shall be included within the average daily membership of the district. The Board of Trustees may, at its complete discretion, elect not to charge tuition to out-of-state students or foreign exchange students, or may elect to charge tuition less than the actual per-pupil cost for educating that student within the District provided, however, that the District ay not include the student in the average daily membership of the District if it charges less than the actual per-pupil cost for educating that student within the District.
The school district will not provide transportation for non-resident students except on regular bus routes running within the boundaries of this school district. Exceptions to this policy may be made only with the express consent of the Board of Trustees and any adjacent school district which would be affected.
Every non-resident student attending the school district may be required to have a person of adult age agree to be responsible for the student with regard to all educational decisions and who can authorize emergency medical treatment and care. The parents of a non-resident student or his/her legal guardian who does not reside within the district may be required to sign a consent to have another adult person resident within the district assume that responsibility and acknowledge that the district may work through that resident adult for purposes of the child's education and emergency health care needs.
Adoption Date: 11/19/80
Revised: 3/21/17