IGD Policy - Co-Curricular and Interscholastic Activities

Co-curricular and Interscholastic Activities - IGD

The Board believes that student activities are a vital part of the total educational program and should be used as a means of developing wholesome attitudes and good human relations, as well as knowledge and skills.

Therefore, the district will provide a program of co-curricular and interscholastic activities geared to the age, interest, and ability level of students.

The establishment, as well as the elimination, of these programs shall require approval by the Board.

Activities shall be conducted in keeping with the following guidelines.

1. Activity offerings shall be of sufficient variety and number to meet the wide range of interests of students.

2. Most activities should be an outgrowth of curricular activities.

3. All participation shall be voluntary.

4. All activities will be supervised; all clubs and groups will have a faculty advisor.

5. All efforts will be made to maintain a balanced program with all activities.

(Adoption date 11/19/80)