EBCE-R Emergency Closing of Schools

Code: EBCE-R


In the event of an emergency school closing, the following procedures will be followed in order to insure the safety and welfare of each student in this district. 

1.     Social media such as Facebook will be utilized to inform stakeholders about unscheduled school closings.

2.     All Call will be utilized through the school systems’ computer database to contact the parent/guardian for the purpose of informing patrons of the district about decisions relating to unscheduled school closings.  Every possible effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian of students.  Emergency contacts will be called in the event that the parent/guardian is unavailable.

3.     Dispersal of students: 

a.    All students will be kept at school if conditions such as blizzards or snow storms warrant.  The building will be supervised by all available staff members under the direction of the building principal. 

b.    Rural children will be kept at school when weather or natural conditions prohibit the safe operation of buses outside of town. 

4.     Release of bus students: 

In the event of early dismissal because of weather conditions or some other cause, the parent/guardian should arrange for children to have a key to the house or to stay at a neighbor's home should parents work or in the event the parent/guardian cannot get home. 

Adoption Date:  11/19/80

Amended:  9/18/85

Amended:  9/19/17