JH Policy_Student Absences and Excuses
Code: JH
Regular attendance is of prime importance at all levels in the educational process. All students are expected to attend school in order to maximize the effectiveness of and opportunities provided in the school’s educational program. It is the parents’ responsibility to see that their children attend school regularly. It is also the parents’ responsibility to inform the school when their child will not be in school.
Absences that are pre-approved by the District or absences that are arranged for in advance with the parents’ permission and consent or absences where notification is given by the parent to the school prior to the start of school the day following the absence, and absences due to health, illness, or injury of the student or a death or serious injury or illness in the student’s family shall be excused. All other absences will be deemed unexcused. Any student who has five (5) or more unexcused absences in any school year will be considered a habitual truant.
“Willful absenteeism” means exceeding the limit of unexcused absences (five) as defined in this policy when the excess absences are the result of a parent’s guardian’s or custodian’s willful failure, neglect or refusal to require a child’s regular attendance at school in accordance with W.S. 21-4-102.
The school may require attendance for purposes of successfully completing and satisfactorily earning a grade in any class. See Board Policy JE/JE-R.
WSBA Revised: 5/19/21
Adoption Date: 11/19/80
Amended: 3/21/17