BDB_Board Officers
Code: BDB
The officers of the Board shall be chairperson, vice‑chairman, clerk and treasurer.
The chairperson of the board shall preside at all Board meetings at which he or she is present and shall co-sign with either the clerk or treasurer all warrants and checks drawn on the school district treasury.
The chairperson shall have full voice and vote on all motions put before the Board.
In the absence of the chairperson, the vice‑chairperson shall preside at the meeting. If neither the chairperson or vice‑chairperson is present, the board members who are present shall elect a temporary chairperson for the purposes of the meeting.
1. Co-sign, with the chairman, all warrants and checks unless the treasurer's signature is affixed;
2. Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board and a calendar of all matters referred to committees and others, and report action or non‑action on the same at each regular meeting;
3. Have care and custody of the record books and documents of the Board;
4. Cause the annual report to be made and forwarded to the proper local, county, and state officials;
5. Receive and reply to all communications as directed by the Board;
6. File all papers pertaining to district business;
7. Call special meetings of the Board when requested;
The treasurer is the custodian of the school district funds. He shall:
1. Cause an account to be kept of the receipts and expenditures of the district;
2. Co-sign, with the chairman, all warrants unless the clerk's signature is affixed;
3. Have custody of all district money and pay it out on order of the clerk, countersigned by the chairman;
4. Render a financial statement at any time required by the Board and, at the close of each fiscal year, cause to be published in some newspaper of general circulation within the school district, a detailed report showing the sources of revenue and the purposes for which monies were expended.
In the event a vacancy should occur in any office of the Board of Trustees, the vacancy shall be filled by the remaining members of the Board of Trustees.
Adoption Date: 11/19/80
Amended Date: 3/19/97
Amended Date: 5/15/14