IKF - Graduation Requirements
Code: IKF
No student shall be awarded a diploma from Sublette County School District No. 9 high school unless the student has successfully completed the following components, as evidenced by passing grades or by the successful performance on competency-based equivalency examinations:
(A) four (4) school years of English;
(B) three (3) school years of mathematics;
(C) three (3) school years of science;
(D) three (3) school years of social studies, including history, American government, and economic systems and institutions.
In addition thereto, the School District, in consultation with the State Board of Education, shall establish requirements for students to earn a high school diploma as evidenced by course completion and as measured by the district’s assessment system prescribed by rule and regulation of the State Board and required under W.S. 21-3-110(a)(xxiv).
The District may also make such other arrangements for special education students as are not inconsistent with the law, and which are in accordance with the District’s rules and regulations governing programs for handicapped children, including making provision to recognize those students who have met the requirements of their individualized educational plan but cannot receive a diploma reflecting completion of the state mandated graduation requirements.
Arrangements may be made with the school principal to enroll in college credit courses when available and receive credit towards graduation requirements.
Students who for some reason need a course(s) to graduate which is not available to them at the high school will be permitted to enroll in correspondence courses approved by the principal. The student will be expected to pay all costs of the correspondence course unless provision is made by other Board policy or administrative regulation for the school district to pay some or all of the cost of such correspondence courses.
Adoption Date: 11/19/80
Revised: 09/16/87