BDD Board-Superintendent Relationship

                                                                                                                                                                                    Code:  BDD


  The Board believes that the legislation of policies is the most important function of the school board and that the execution of the policies should be the function of the superintendent.

 Delegation by the Board of its executive powers to the superintendent provides freedom for the superintendent to manage the schools within the Board's policies and frees the Board to devote its time to policymaking and evaluation functions.

 The Board holds the superintendent responsible for the administration of its policies, the execution of Board decisions, the operation of the internal machinery designed to serve the school program, and for keeping the Board informed about school operations and problems.

 The Board shall strive to procure, when a vacancy exists, the best professional leader available for the chief administrative post.  Then, the Board as a Board and individual members shall:

 1.     Give the superintendent full administrative authority for properly discharging his professional duties, holding him responsible for acceptable results;

 2.     Consider the recommendation of the superintendent in matters of employment or dismissal of school personnel;

 3.     Hold all meetings of the Board, including executive sessions, in the presence of the superintendent except when his contract and salary are under consideration;

 4.     Refer all complaints to the superintendent or appropriate administrator for administrative solution or recommendation prior to Board discussion and action;

 5.     Strive to provide adequate safeguards around the superintendent and other staff members to the end that they can live happily and comfortably in the community and discharge their educational functions on a thoroughly professional basis;

 6.     Present personal criticism of any employee directly to the superintendent.

 Adoption Date: 11/19/80

Amended Date: 4/17/14