BDE Board Committees

                                                                                                                                                                                     Code:  BDE


The principles of good Board procedures indicate that the use of standing committees is not desirable inasmuch as standing committees set up by any Board tend to make decisions that are properly made by the entire Board, and to assume administrative responsibilities that should properly be delegated to the professional administrator.

Therefore, the Board shall have no standing committees.

Special committees, however, may be created for special assignments.  The chairman of the Board may appoint committees to assist the Board and administrative officers of the school.  The function of these committees shall be advisory.  Committees shall not have the authority to obligate the district financially nor shall they exercise executive authority without consent of the Board.  The committee shall be dissolved upon completion of its assignment, or it may be dissolved by a vote of the Board at any time.

The Board may also appoint individual members to serve as liaison with various organizations or as representatives on district or inter‑district committees.

 Adoption Date: 11/19/80

Amended Date: 4/17/14