JBA Policy_Discrimination-Student Complaint Procedure

Code:  JBA


Any student of this District who believes he/she has been discriminated against, denied a benefit, or excluded from participation in any District program or activity on the basis of sex, age, race, religion, national origin or handicap may file a written complaint with the School District Civil Rights Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator.  

Prior to filing the complaint the student shall contact the building principal or the individual whose decision generated the complaint and make an appointment for an informal meeting in an attempt to resolve the complaint.  If the alleged complaint is not resolved satisfactorily at the informal meeting, the person may file a complaint in accordance with the procedures set forth in Board Policy AC-R.  The complaint shall be initiated at least at the principal level within sixty (60) calendar days after the student, parent or employee knew or should have known of the act or condition on which the complaint is based. 

Complaints regarding civil rights in the National School Nutrition program will be submitted to the USDA and/or the WDE within 5 days after receipt. Complaints in this area cannot be dealt with at the district level.

For complaints involving identification, evaluation or placement involving Section 504, you are directed to utilize the Section 504 due process procedures, Policy ACE-R. 

For sexual harassment complaints, see policy ACA.

Adoption Date: December 21, 2010

Amended: March 21, 2017

                 February, 21, 2023

WSBA Revised 11/30/10; 10/19/16; 01/18/23