JHCCA Policy - Communicable Diseases (Students)

It is the policy of the School District to protect students and employees from any risk of contagion by communicable diseases in the schools of the District. In accordance with such policy, any student whose health or medical condition poses any threat to the health and welfare of other students or employees shall be excluded from school attendance for the duration of such time that the student poses a health risk, irrespective of the student's ability to otherwise at tend classes.

Students showing symptoms of communicable disease, an infectious condition or unusual eruptions of skin, soreness of throat or condition of the eyes, shall be referred to the school nurse.

In the event the Superintendent, after consultation with the individual the district employs or otherwise provides for offering the school nursing function and/or such other proper medical authority as he deems proper, determines that a student is infected with a communicable disease or has a reasonable basis to believe that the student may have a communicable disease wr1ich presents a serious health risk to others if transmitted, or has a physical condition which may pose a serious health risk to others, will then recommend that the student be excluded from school attendance for such time as the student poses a health risk. In the event that the student and his or her parents do not consent to such exclusion as recommended by the Superintendent, then for the purpose of determining whether the student has e contagion or other condition which poses a health risk to others, the following procedure shall be used:

1. The student will be required to undergo a medical examination by a physician appointed by the Board of Trustees to determine the nature of the student's medical condition and the extent of the health risk to others as a result thereof.

2. In the event that a medical examination by the school appointed physician determines that the medical condition of e student poses a serious threat to the health and welfare of other students or to employees of the District such student will be excluded from school attendance for the period of time that the student's health poses a risk of contagion in the school environment. In the event that a student or his or her parents wishes to contest the necessity of the exclusion, the student and his or her parents may require a hearing before the Board of Trustees.

3. School officials shall be required to maintain absolute confidentiality of medical records of any student who is required to submit toe medical examination or who may be excluded from school attendance for medical or health risk reasons.

4. The Superintendent is authorized whenever he has a reasonable basis to believe that the exclusion of e student from school attendance is either required or authorized under the provisions of this policy, to require a student to submit to a medical examination and to direct that such examination be performed.

5. From the time of the initial recommendation by the Superintendent, until it is determined by medical examination acceptable to the Superintendent or by decision of the Board of Trustees, the student shall be excluded from school attendance. If such exclusion shall extend for more than ten (10) school days, homebound instruction shall be provided.

In the event of an outbreak of vaccine-preventable disease, children ten (1O) years of age or under who are not immunized against the disease, including those having waivers from the State or County health officer, may be excluded from school attendance, but not suspended from school, by the school administrator until the State or County health officer determines that the disease outbreak is terminated. W.S. 21-4-309.

(Adoption date 9/ 16/87)

(Amended date 5/ 1 7 /90)