GCF-R Policy - Professional Staff Hiring
Code: GCF-R
Based upon the recommendations of the superintendent and in keeping with district personnel policies, the Board of Trustees shall employ all permanent school district personnel. Before applicants can be considered eligible for employment in the School District, requirements of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the laws of the State of Wyoming must be met.
To accommodate compliance with equal opportunity legislation and to provide adequate basis for screening and selection procedures, credential files of all applicants will be maintained in the Central Administration Building.
To help insure that all qualified applicants are considered for those positions declared vacant during the time that credentials are on active file, it is imperative that all applicant files be stored in the designated locations.
All employment inquiries will be directed to the superintendent of school for processing and documentation; and application forms, letters of instruction, form letter responses, and information bulletin distributions will be made from that office. The superintendent of schools will be responsible for the documentation of the processing of employment inquiries.
As credential folder materials (completed application forms, letter of recommendation, transcripts, resumes, etc.) are returned to the School District, they are recorded by the superintendent of schools or his/her designee and filed in the appropriate folder.
(Used by district administrative staff in alerting members of screening committees to the equal employment opportunity provisions).
The superintendent should form a screening committee consisting of the administrator who will supervise the successful applicant and other staff members either who will work with the successful applicant or have knowledge in the area or field that the applicant will be working in. The committee may also consist of the superintendent and one or more board members.
In order to reasonably assure equal employment opportunity to all applicants, the following guidelines are offered as an attempt to offer generally consistent interview opportunity to those applicants who are invited to participate in the interview process.
1. Each candidate should be interviewed for approximately the same length of time.
2. Whenever possible, applicants should be interviewed by the supervisor of the position which is being filled.
3. All pertinent matters of salary, employment conditions and employment requirements should be discussed during the interview.
4. Questions or comments related to family or other personal matter are inappropriate and should not be included in the interview.
5. Candidates should be given ample opportunity to ask questions and to volunteer additional qualification information during the interviewing process.
6. Candidates should be advised of district efforts to ensure the placement of the best-qualified candidates available and that:
a. The intent is to interview all highly-qualified applicants for each available position.
b. Follow-up interviews may be scheduled if they are needed.
c. All candidates who are interviewed will be informed of the employment decision of the District.
7. The interview should generate information which relates the responsibilities of the position to the applicant's abilities, experiences, education and general knowledge (job-related qualifications). Similar questions should be asked of all candidates.
8. So far as is possible, interviewers should become familiar with the specific requirements of the position being filled: the expectations of the position, the behaviors expected and required to successfully fulfill the responsibilities of the position and the specifically required and designed individual characteristics (aptitudes, skills, personal qualifications) of the type of candidate being sought.
9. Prior to the interview, an examination of the applicant's folder should be made (to become familiar with recommendations, depth and appropriateness of formal preparation, amount and value of previous experience, etc.).
10. As soon after the interview as is practical, written reviews of the interview should be written. Objective ratings and supplementary remarks should be directed only to job-related qualifications.
In accordance with Wyoming and federal law, a criminal background check shall be conducted prior to the final decision on hiring any employee. Criminal background checks shall be requested either by the School District or, if a certified employee, this requirement may be met by the Professional Teaching Standards Board. This information, when received by the School District, shall be utilized solely for the purpose of providing additional information relevant to the hiring decision of the applicant. The criminal background information shall not be permitted to be used for any other purpose, and in order to ensure confidentiality of this information the following policy and procedure shall be implemented:
1. Access to the criminal background information shall be restricted to the Superintendent except that he may designate the administrator having primary responsibility for hiring the individual to receive the criminal history information. The Superintendent or his designee shall have authority to reject any applicant who has been recommended for employment based upon the information contained in the criminal background check. This information will not be shared with all members of the interview or hiring committee.
2. The criminal history information shall be retained in a separate filing cabinet at the central administration office, which cabinet shall be secure (locked) with access to the filing cabinet given only to the Superintendent and/or his designee.
3. In the event the Superintendent elects to designate another person to receive the criminal history information, the Superintendent shall ensure that the person understands the confidential nature of this information, that he/she has not previously violated any of these procedures or rules, and that the person is familiar with the substance and intent of this policy.
The criminal background information may be retained and reviewed by the Superintendent or his designee in the event that any employee requests a transfer or applies for a different position.
Criminal background information shall be retained in the records of the School District for at least one year. Thereafter, the Superintendent may elect to destroy the criminal background information, in which event the District shall retain a record that the criminal background information was acquired as provided by federal law and Wyoming law, which record shall also indicate the date the information was destroyed. The record indicating that the criminal background check was acquired and the date it was destroyed shall be retained until the employee is no longer employed with the School District.
Adoption: 11/14/96
Amended: 2/21/17