KD - Public Communication/Public's Right to Know
Code: KD
It will be the policy of the Board of Trustees to keep the community informed of the objectives, achievements, needs and conditions of the school system. This will generally be done through an annual report card which will be published to the community. The superintendent of schools will be responsible for initiating and administering a continuous program of communication with the community. Agendas for school board meetings will be made available in advance of the meeting to the public when requested.
The Board is a public servant, and its meetings and records shall be a matter of public information except as such meetings and records pertain to individual personnel and other classified matters.
The official minutes of the Board, its written policies, and its financial records shall be open for inspection at the Superintendent's office by any citizen desiring to examine them during hours when the office of the Superintendent is open. Additionally, a copy of the official minutes shall be available in each school for public inspection. However, no records pertaining to individual students or staff members shall be released for inspection by the public or any unauthorized persons, either by the Superintendent or other persons responsible for the custody of confidential files.
The Superintendent, subject to federal and state laws and regulations, may approve the release of directories containing names and addresses of students or employees, and shall do so only when release is in accordance with the law and is in the best interest of the students or employees.
The Board wishes to support the right of the people to know about the programs and services of their schools, and shall make every effort to disseminate information.
Adoption Date: 11/19/80
Amended Date: 10/23/14
Amended Date: 06/18/24